Online resources for learning about classes and related programming?



I have a conceptual understanding of classes (class=person, attributes
include phone, address, birthday, etc., create as many instances as are
needed) but I've never programmed any classes. It looks like I need to learn
quickly, to revise an old project. Any pointers to helpful FAQs and learning
materials would be greatly appreciated.

I'd also welcome some general guidance on the following design (to be
programmed in Word97);

I currently have several cascading lists of radiobuttons on a userform,
where a selection in each frame changes the text of the radiobuttons in the
next frame, with the entire cascade being 4 frames of radiobuttons. I want
to change the first three to a treeview to allow the ssame selections as
from the first 3 frames, then depending on what is selected in the lowest
level of the treeview, populate the contents of the radiobuttons in the only
remaining frame. I'll actually have several objects in the final frame for
each class, but I think the properties for all of them can all be driven off
the class I create.

So, is there a preferred property or method I can use from the treeview to
determine which /group/ of instances of my class to populate into the frame?
I guess what I'm really trying to do is have about 25 groups of instances (2
to 15 instances) of my class and know which group to use depending on what
is selected in the treeview. I'm not sure if I should create these groups as
an array, or if there is such a thing as a 'meta-class', or if there is a
better way to program this.

Treeview selections: New Mexico, Arrowwood Site, Finance
radiobuttons show each employee's name (from Finance at that site), with a
label with their phone number, etc.
If you select a different state, site, or department in the treeview, a
different group of people show up.

I appreciate any pointers!
Thanks in advance,


Online resources for this sort of thing are a little meagre, but you'll find
some guidance if you trawl the VB sites. VBA classes are identical with VB,
except tht VBA does not support procedure attributes, so you can use
iUnknown functions nor implement your own For...each structures.

The form functions you describe would be *much* easier in VB than in VBA
(forms being the other area in which VB and VBA differ significantly). VB
supports control arrays, which means you can (eg) write a single piece of
code for the click event of all your radio buttons. (In VBA each control has
to have its own code.) Given your description, the time savings alone would
easily justify the cost of VB (if you can get it at all).

Don't even think about trying to do this in Word 97. Life is too short.

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