Online timesheet by



LiveTecs releases 2.3 suite of its Enterprise software

TimeLive Web Collaboration Suite is an integrated suite that allows you to
manage project life cycle including tasks, issues, bugs, timesheet, billing,

TimeLive is available in two different flavors. Hosted version and
downloadable version. Downloadable version required certain system
requirement to install on local server. Whereas hosted version is already
installed on our fully managed server on state of art datacenter.

Free Lite version is available in both hosted and installable version.

Here are some key features of "TimeLive":

Online TimeSheet·
· Track your contractor and employee's timesheet using full featured and
easy to use Time Entry tool. You can then use detailed and summarized view
of all time records using different tools.
· Time Entry Day View for entering full day timesheet in just one server
· Time Entry Week View for entering full week timesheet in just one server
· Organization setup like Departments, Locations, Roles
· Different type of Off day monitoring like Sick Days, Vacations etc.
· Client Setup
· Project Setup
· Task setup with multiple assignees for single task.
· Audit Trail
· EMail notification of different timesheet related activities to users.
· Different billing type setup like Hourly / Task based / Call based
· Timesheet approval
· Four Timesheet Approval Paths (None,Administrator,Project,TeamLead)
· Reports with all possible filter selection to get your required output.
· Detail Timesheet Report
· Different timesheet summary reports for based on Client, Project,
Employee, Date
· Timesheet Approval status report
· Reminders to employee for their pending entries.
.. Role wise billing rates.

· Web based Attendance system to record and monitor all employee attendance
using simple / fully featured tool.
· Time In
· Time Out
· Off Day reporting for different purpose like Sick leave, vacation etc
· Working Day setup
· Daily Attendance report
· Summary reports for employee off days to track employee Sick
leave,vacation etc.
· Detail report employee off days.

Bug / Issue Tracking
· Full integrated bug tracking tool to monitor all bugs / issues using
simple and full featured tool.
· Bug can be add with fields
· Subject
· Description
· Project
· Milestone
· Parent Task
· Duration
· Due Date
· Priority
· Files to be attached
· Multiple assignee of single bug.
· Dashboard view of bug showing All open task / All Reported Task
· Project based open bug summary view
· Bug comments
· Audit trail of every bug modification
· Updating of Bug status
· EMail notification of bug addition and update.
· ReOpen bug tracking and monitoring.
· Quality control reports summarizing bugs by Project / Milestone /
Assignee/ Status
· Personalized overall summary view of projects for Project Manager and Team

Expenses Tracking
· Manage and monitor your project expenses with easy to use integrated
TimeLive Expense management tools.
· Expense entry view for employee to enter their expenses occurred on
· Billable / Unbillable expenses.
· Detail Reports for monitoring expenses
· Different summarize report by Project / Employee / Expenses.
· Approval of Expenses with 4 different approval paths.
· -- No Approval
· -- Team Lead
· -- Team Lead --> Project Manager
· -- Team Lead --> Project Manager --> Administrator.
· Expenses approval monitoring.

Project Monitoring
· Full featured tool to manage your projects and their task with single
integrated tool.
· Nested Task with task hierarchy.
· Tracking of project status
· Assigning of projects to multiple employee
· Tracking of project tasks
· Different dashboard view for Project Manager, Team Lead and Team Member.
· Different report to track and monitor overall project status.

Other Features
· Exportable reports in PDF and XLS file.
· Downloadable / Hosted version
· Free basic version
· Unlimited disk space for all plans
.. International date formats supported.
.. Role based security.
.. Multiple currency support.

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