Only one level of subpages?



I'm relatively new to One Note 2007, but think I'm getting a pretty good
grip. One item that has me a bit puzzled is the subpages. Can you only have
one level of subpages?

I'm a writer and have set up a notebook for all of my Star Wars notes and
research. The sections so far are Characters, Craft, and Locations. Under
Characters is a Clone Commando page. Delta Squad is a subpage of Clone

I would like for each individual squad member to have their own subpage of
Delta Squad, but don't seem to be able to create a subspage of a subpage.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks much.



I have the same problem. I would like to use One Note for a large research
project and need many levels/layers which I wish I could determine rather
than being locked into pages/subpages. I'm relatively new is there a way
to make sub-sub-subpages in One Note. This would really help. I also
like the idea of having collapsable pages so that all the sub-pages don't
have to show. In short does anyone know a way to add a layer below


I also want to use One Note for a large research project (1000's of notes)
need to be organized. Need another level or two collapsable. Can one
do sub- sub-pages? or is 3-4 levels the limit. That is really restricting
is there anyway around it?



I also want to use One Note for a large research project (1000's of notes)
need to be organized. Need another level or two collapsable. Can one
do sub- sub-pages? or is 3-4 levels the limit. That is really restricting
is there anyway around it?

I don't think there is way to allow this.
I think also that it would be very tricky to implement creating a


No sub-subpages but consider other possibilities.

One tool that is available but not mentioned by jbooth is the Section Group.
That would add one level. The Star Wars Characters Section Group with a Clone
Commando Section, a Delta Squad Page, and a Delta Squad Member Bob Jones

Another possibility is dividing a project into more than one notebook, which
adds another layer. You can have multiple copies of OneNote on the screen for
seeing a lot of information, such as two or more notebooks, simultaneously.
You need to have multiple copies of OneNote on your computer to do this, I
believe. Never tried it, myself.

You can also hyperlink to an external folder, which can contain as many
layers of subfolders as you wish. If you try to paste a folder into a page,
you get a hyperlink to it, by the way.

You can also do your layering in MS Word, taking advantage of its outlining
abilities. Then paste that document where you want it.

MS Word has other formatting tools such as page and section breaks that can
organize a document into different groupings.

If you have many layers of linking information, think about using a
database, such as MS Access or FileMaker Pro. You can have all sorts of ties
and be able to pull out info via the reports mechanism. You can create forms
for the uniform entry of data, thereby facilitating an orderly retrieval. A
paste will probably be a hyperlink.

Another database substrate could be MS Excel.




Thanks for the Section Group suggestion, I may try that. As I said, I'm new
to OneNote and that's one aspect of it I haven't dug into yet.

Thanks again.


This thread stopped a few months ago, so it is probably a dead issue.
But, you can organize as many levels deep as you want by using section
groups within section groups. In other words, at the top level of your
notebook, if you create a section group(s), and then go into that newly
created section group, you can now add another level of organization by
creating a section group(s) at this level, and so on, and so on.

If you expand the notebooks view along the left hand side of your
notebook, you can navigate, expand, and collapse the notebook's
hierarchy in the typical tree view that you were probably envisioning.

Hope this helps.

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