Only page 1 shows/prints after text paste into Word 2003



Only page 1 shows in Print Preview or prints to printer when text file is
opened or pasted into a new Word 2003 document. Does the same irrepective of
printer selected.

Beth Melton

I'm wondering if you have encountered an issue with a Columns bug
we've come across a few times where there is a two column format but
only one column, and one page, can actually be seen on the document.

Try going to Format/Columns and in the "Presets" section click "One"
to modify your column settings.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


Thanks very much, Beth, for the suggestion. However, these are single-column
text pastes into a NEW Word document. What I did:
1. Save a multi-page Word document AS a .txt file.
2. Open that .txt file in a NEW Word document.
3. Only the first page is now visible.
4. Same results if I copy and paste either HTML from Web copy or Word Doc
into Notepad, then copy fron Notepad and paste into New Word document. Page 1
only is visible. Bottom of Word screen counter data: Page 1 Sec 1 1/1

Another variation: Import a text file into a new Word document, copy part of
it and paste onto the end several times to make it a multi-page document.
Same results. It continues to show up as a 1/1 document.

In none of these cases has anything been multi-column.

Any other ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Did you try the solution Beth posted? Experience has shown that the problem
you describe is caused by an incorrect setting in the Format | Columns

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