Only part of Comment text appears



Brief summary: if a have a long comment that spans several rows, and the row
after the cell containing the comment is not visible because the window has
been split into two panes, part of the comment isn't visible.

To reproduce this, do the following:

1. Create a new worksheet.

2. In cell A1, create a long comment that spans several lines. (I put the
numbers "one" through "ten" on separate lines--that's long enough.) Resize
the comment box so that the entire comment is visible when you mouse over it.

3. Mouse over cell A1 and observe that the whole comment is visible.

4. Drag the splitter bar from the right part of the worksheet to create two
vertical panes. The first pane should contain row 1 and maybe part of row 2,
and the second pane should contain the rest of the rows.

5. Mouse over cell A1 and observe that the part of the comment that is on
top of the splitter bar isn't visible.

6. Scroll the bottom pane down a few lines. Mouse over cell A1 and observe
that more of the comment is missing.

The same thing happens regardless of whether or not the panes have been
frozen into place.

Is there any way to get the whole comment to appear in this situation?

And, just for jollies, is there any way to do this that doesn't involve VBA?
(My customer doesn't want to use macros in his spreadsheet.)

Thank you!


PS. An even neater effect occurs if you scroll both panes so that cell A1 is
visible, and then mouse over A1 in either pane. And it gets neater than that
if you also split the sheet into side-by-side panes as well....

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