only show last 12 records in a subform


Database User

I have a database for a fitness club. I made a form with the member details
and then a subform with record of their monthly payments, annual payments
depending on their payment method. But i dont need to be able to see
thousands of records i only want to see the most recent 12 records? How can
this be done?


Use the TOP in the select statement

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Order by PayDate Desc


The order by date payment desc will return the last 12 payment, changing it
to sort by asc will return the first 12 payment

Database User

Thank you. I'm not sure if it's going to work because i do want the last 12
records but i want them in ascending order of date. so after i've done the
selection in a query do i make a filter on that query and sort it the way i
want and then base the subform on the filter query?


In that case create a query as I explained above, and then create a second
query based on the first query, and order the date asc

Database User

So that did it but there's a problem so it gave me only the first guy in the
form, his last 12 records and then in a new query i resorted it by date, but
i want every member id to have in his subform the last 12 records so what
code shoud i put in the query or maybe somewhere in the subform Visual Basics
Please help


Create a link in the query to the field in the form

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Where MemberField =
Forms![FormName]![MemberFieldName] Order by PayDate Desc

When you move to the next member, run the code

Database User

THank you so i just want to make sure i have this clear. I go to the query
that the subform is based on and then go to the SQL and at the begining where
it says Select i add in top 12 then right at the end i write where
MemberField (- is that refering to my Member ID field) = Forms etc and the
whole code that you wrote - is that right?

Ofer said:
Create a link in the query to the field in the form

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Where MemberField =
Forms![FormName]![MemberFieldName] Order by PayDate Desc

When you move to the next member, run the code

I hope that helped
Good luck

Database User said:
So that did it but there's a problem so it gave me only the first guy in the
form, his last 12 records and then in a new query i resorted it by date, but
i want every member id to have in his subform the last 12 records so what
code shoud i put in the query or maybe somewhere in the subform Visual Basics
Please help


Dont forget in the Query the OrderBy desc
And in the SQL of the Form Order by Asc

Select * From QueryName Order By DateField Asc
So, try it, and will continue from there

I hope that helped
Good luck

Database User said:
THank you so i just want to make sure i have this clear. I go to the query
that the subform is based on and then go to the SQL and at the begining where
it says Select i add in top 12 then right at the end i write where
MemberField (- is that refering to my Member ID field) = Forms etc and the
whole code that you wrote - is that right?

Ofer said:
Create a link in the query to the field in the form

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Where MemberField =
Forms![FormName]![MemberFieldName] Order by PayDate Desc

When you move to the next member, run the code

I hope that helped
Good luck

Database User said:
So that did it but there's a problem so it gave me only the first guy in the
form, his last 12 records and then in a new query i resorted it by date, but
i want every member id to have in his subform the last 12 records so what
code shoud i put in the query or maybe somewhere in the subform Visual Basics
Please help


In that case create a query as I explained above, and then create a second
query based on the first query, and order the date asc

I hope that helped
Good luck


Thank you. I'm not sure if it's going to work because i do want the last 12
records but i want them in ascending order of date. so after i've done the
selection in a query do i make a filter on that query and sort it the way i
want and then base the subform on the filter query?


The order by date payment desc will return the last 12 payment, changing it
to sort by asc will return the first 12 payment
I hope that helped
Good luck


will that give me the first 12 or the last 12 i need the last 12? THankks


Use the TOP in the select statement

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Order by PayDate Desc

I hope that helped
Good luck


I have a database for a fitness club. I made a form with the member details
and then a subform with record of their monthly payments, annual payments
depending on their payment method. But i dont need to be able to see
thousands of records i only want to see the most recent 12 records? How can
this be done?

Database User

I did that and it worked but i didnt know how to order it asc in the subform
SQL so i just created a filter on that query, saved it as a query and based
the subform on this new query. But then when i go to any other guy it just
gives me all the guys records where should i put the Me.SubformName.Refresh
you said something about putting it on the next button but i don't think that
would work because sometimes i click find, previous, first, last to get
another customer so where should i put it?
Thanks for all your help i think we're getting there!

Ofer said:
Dont forget in the Query the OrderBy desc
And in the SQL of the Form Order by Asc

Select * From QueryName Order By DateField Asc
So, try it, and will continue from there

I hope that helped
Good luck

Database User said:
THank you so i just want to make sure i have this clear. I go to the query
that the subform is based on and then go to the SQL and at the begining where
it says Select i add in top 12 then right at the end i write where
MemberField (- is that refering to my Member ID field) = Forms etc and the
whole code that you wrote - is that right?

Ofer said:
Create a link in the query to the field in the form

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Where MemberField =
Forms![FormName]![MemberFieldName] Order by PayDate Desc

When you move to the next member, run the code

I hope that helped
Good luck


So that did it but there's a problem so it gave me only the first guy in the
form, his last 12 records and then in a new query i resorted it by date, but
i want every member id to have in his subform the last 12 records so what
code shoud i put in the query or maybe somewhere in the subform Visual Basics
Please help


In that case create a query as I explained above, and then create a second
query based on the first query, and order the date asc

I hope that helped
Good luck


Thank you. I'm not sure if it's going to work because i do want the last 12
records but i want them in ascending order of date. so after i've done the
selection in a query do i make a filter on that query and sort it the way i
want and then base the subform on the filter query?


The order by date payment desc will return the last 12 payment, changing it
to sort by asc will return the first 12 payment
I hope that helped
Good luck


will that give me the first 12 or the last 12 i need the last 12? THankks


Use the TOP in the select statement

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Order by PayDate Desc

I hope that helped
Good luck


I have a database for a fitness club. I made a form with the member details
and then a subform with record of their monthly payments, annual payments
depending on their payment method. But i dont need to be able to see
thousands of records i only want to see the most recent 12 records? How can
this be done?


You should put the requery command on the On current event of the main form
I hope that helped
Good luck

Database User said:
I did that and it worked but i didnt know how to order it asc in the subform
SQL so i just created a filter on that query, saved it as a query and based
the subform on this new query. But then when i go to any other guy it just
gives me all the guys records where should i put the Me.SubformName.Refresh
you said something about putting it on the next button but i don't think that
would work because sometimes i click find, previous, first, last to get
another customer so where should i put it?
Thanks for all your help i think we're getting there!

Ofer said:
Dont forget in the Query the OrderBy desc
And in the SQL of the Form Order by Asc

Select * From QueryName Order By DateField Asc
So, try it, and will continue from there

I hope that helped
Good luck

Database User said:
THank you so i just want to make sure i have this clear. I go to the query
that the subform is based on and then go to the SQL and at the begining where
it says Select i add in top 12 then right at the end i write where
MemberField (- is that refering to my Member ID field) = Forms etc and the
whole code that you wrote - is that right?


Create a link in the query to the field in the form

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Where MemberField =
Forms![FormName]![MemberFieldName] Order by PayDate Desc

When you move to the next member, run the code

I hope that helped
Good luck


So that did it but there's a problem so it gave me only the first guy in the
form, his last 12 records and then in a new query i resorted it by date, but
i want every member id to have in his subform the last 12 records so what
code shoud i put in the query or maybe somewhere in the subform Visual Basics
Please help


In that case create a query as I explained above, and then create a second
query based on the first query, and order the date asc

I hope that helped
Good luck


Thank you. I'm not sure if it's going to work because i do want the last 12
records but i want them in ascending order of date. so after i've done the
selection in a query do i make a filter on that query and sort it the way i
want and then base the subform on the filter query?


The order by date payment desc will return the last 12 payment, changing it
to sort by asc will return the first 12 payment
I hope that helped
Good luck


will that give me the first 12 or the last 12 i need the last 12? THankks


Use the TOP in the select statement

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Order by PayDate Desc

I hope that helped
Good luck


I have a database for a fitness club. I made a form with the member details
and then a subform with record of their monthly payments, annual payments
depending on their payment method. But i dont need to be able to see
thousands of records i only want to see the most recent 12 records? How can
this be done?

Database User

Thanks so much that did it!!!

Ofer said:
You should put the requery command on the On current event of the main form
I hope that helped
Good luck

Database User said:
I did that and it worked but i didnt know how to order it asc in the subform
SQL so i just created a filter on that query, saved it as a query and based
the subform on this new query. But then when i go to any other guy it just
gives me all the guys records where should i put the Me.SubformName.Refresh
you said something about putting it on the next button but i don't think that
would work because sometimes i click find, previous, first, last to get
another customer so where should i put it?
Thanks for all your help i think we're getting there!

Ofer said:
Dont forget in the Query the OrderBy desc
And in the SQL of the Form Order by Asc

Select * From QueryName Order By DateField Asc
So, try it, and will continue from there

I hope that helped
Good luck


THank you so i just want to make sure i have this clear. I go to the query
that the subform is based on and then go to the SQL and at the begining where
it says Select i add in top 12 then right at the end i write where
MemberField (- is that refering to my Member ID field) = Forms etc and the
whole code that you wrote - is that right?


Create a link in the query to the field in the form

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Where MemberField =
Forms![FormName]![MemberFieldName] Order by PayDate Desc

When you move to the next member, run the code

I hope that helped
Good luck


So that did it but there's a problem so it gave me only the first guy in the
form, his last 12 records and then in a new query i resorted it by date, but
i want every member id to have in his subform the last 12 records so what
code shoud i put in the query or maybe somewhere in the subform Visual Basics
Please help


In that case create a query as I explained above, and then create a second
query based on the first query, and order the date asc

I hope that helped
Good luck


Thank you. I'm not sure if it's going to work because i do want the last 12
records but i want them in ascending order of date. so after i've done the
selection in a query do i make a filter on that query and sort it the way i
want and then base the subform on the filter query?


The order by date payment desc will return the last 12 payment, changing it
to sort by asc will return the first 12 payment
I hope that helped
Good luck


will that give me the first 12 or the last 12 i need the last 12? THankks


Use the TOP in the select statement

Select TOP 12 PayAmount, PayDate From TableName Order by PayDate Desc

I hope that helped
Good luck


I have a database for a fitness club. I made a form with the member details
and then a subform with record of their monthly payments, annual payments
depending on their payment method. But i dont need to be able to see
thousands of records i only want to see the most recent 12 records? How can
this be done?

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