Only timesheet aproval by portfolio / resopurce manager?



First of all, this is a geat tool, using MS Project server togehter with
share point.

We want only the portfolio manager to recieve the timesheets for approval.
While project managers plan and execute their projects. They also asign
resources. But even if Project managers does not have premissions to approve
timesheets, they receive them for approval, on tasks that they assign people

How do we assure that only the protfolio manager gets the timesheets for

I guess updating the WRES_ID_MGR field in the MSP_WEB_ASSIGNMENTS table will
fix it, but running SQL's should not be neccesary or what?


Marc Soester

Hi Henning,

The only way to assure that Resource Managers can apporve timesheets is that
the Resource Managers opens the project in Project Professional and
republises the assignments.

1. Open Project in Project Professional
2. go to collaborate, republish assignments
3. A dialog window appears, choose republish assignments for "Entire Project"
4. Tick on the "become the manager for these assignments
5. Click OK
Now all apporval of timesheet will be directed to the Resource Manager (
also thouse who have already been send for approval)
Please note that evertime a resource is changed or added the Resource
Manager will need to go through this procedure.

I hope this helps


Thank you for the ansver, but I knew about that already.

For us that is not good enough. To much work for the potfolio manager:)
But why do the Project maneger get the timesheet when he is not allowed to
aprove it according to the server setup?

Why all this configuration when it does not mean anything...:)

Will my SQL update Work? I can create a function for project managers to
use, or a daily routine assigning all assignments to the Portfolio manager.

Reid McTaggart

I think maybe you are confused a little. Timesheet approval is not the same
thing as approving task updates. You may want to read more about these
different features; that will help you understand how to use them to your
best advantage. Many organizations do not even use Timesheet approval.


I realy hoped to avoid that. Because we need project managers to ba able to
assign resources and collaborate them, This makes the portfolio manager a
secretary for project managers, with is not good.

Can you please werify my plan to update the table. Acctually I have already
done it, and it seems to work. When i put a trigger on the table i can based
on the project manager assign the right portfolio manager. However I will
have to manage this if roles are changed:)

The idea is to keep track of time usage one place. And see it pr person, not
per project as we have many small projects running at the same time. And we
have running tasks in administrative projects.

Thanks for you response.



For mee it is. Anyway it does not mather.
Both task update and timesheet aproval should be handled by the portfoloio
manager as she is responsible for the persons and time, while project
amangers "shop" time from her. So project managers will need to assign
resoirces, while protfolio manager, will have to get information about time
usage per person.

I guess my SQL gets it right?


Dale Howard [MVP]

Henning --

Why don't you give all Project Managers Read-Write access to all projects in
the system, and then ask the Portfolio Managers to do the steps outlined in
our FAQ to take managership of each project? Doing this would allow the
PM's to perform the type of work they need to do, and the Portfolio Managers
to do the type of work they need to do. This way, nobody is the secretary
to anybody else. Just a thought. Hope this helps.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


If only one person is to receive task updates then that person must be the
only one publishing assignments. Project Managers may assign the resources
in the Project, but the Portfolio manager must publish the assignments. The
updates flow to the person who publishes. Have the Portfolio manager open
each project and select Collaborate > Publish > Republish selecting for all
tasks and selecting the checkbox to become the manager. In this scenario,
timesheet approval, which Reid already told you is a different function, is
fairly useless to you. I wouldn't bother with it.


Finaly. Thanks Gary.

But do you think my SQL will work?
Update - WRES_ID_MGR field in the MSP_WEB_ASSIGNMENTS table will
fix it,



We need to do planning in paralell, and then on certain times adjust it.
It is an ok solution, but i would prefere a sertting i posible.

Du you know if my SQL will work. As far as i can se updating WRES_ID_MGR
field in the MSP_WEB_ASSIGNMENTS table will fix it. This is actually the same
as republishing the assignments isn't it?

I think I gett what You are asking me, and we are loving the produkt. We
just want something ti be different. Especially around accepting hours with
only one person.



Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


I can't answer that question with certainty. You might try turning on SQL
profiler, Republish an assignment in a project selecting to become the
manager to capture the updates that are made during this action. By doing
this you can reverse engineer the process to make sure you're capturing all
the updates necessary.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Henning --

Refer to Gary Chefetz's comment in his previous post in response to your SQL

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