Of course, an Input Mask will not prevent bad data from getting into
the table, therefore there should also be a validation rule (or CHECK
constraint) at the Jet engine level, noting that Access/Jet text
columns are case-insensitive e.g.
text_col VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT text_col__no_uppercase
CHECK (0 = INSTR(1, text_col, 'A', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'B', 0) +
INSTR(1, text_col, 'C', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'D', 0) + INSTR(1,
text_col, 'E', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'F', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col,
'G', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'H', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'I', 0) +
INSTR(1, text_col, 'J', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'K', 0) + INSTR(1,
text_col, 'L', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'M', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col,
'N', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'O', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'P', 0) +
INSTR(1, text_col, 'Q', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'R', 0) + INSTR(1,
text_col, 'S', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'T', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col,
'U', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'V', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'W', 0) +
INSTR(1, text_col, 'X', 0) + INSTR(1, text_col, 'Y', 0) + INSTR(1,
text_col, 'Z', 0))