Open a big file


Wei Wang

I am running Excel2000 on Windows2000. I have a csv file that has a lot of
rows. When I tried to open it with Excel, I got the message "file not
completely loaded". What can I do about it?

What I ultimately want to do is to use the Pivot table feature to analyze
the data. If I import the file into multiple worksheets, can I still use
Pivot table to analyze the data across multiple worksheets as if they were
on the same sheet?

Dave Peterson

I've never used it, but in xl2002, there's an option under Data|Pivottable that
allows you to use external data.

the wizard will walk you through the steps. Maybe you can use it with your

Alternatively, maybe you could bring your data into Access and then pivot
against the access database. (again, something I don't use.)

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