Open a folder with Explorer.exe usintg VBA?



Can I open a folder in explorer.exe using VBA (ACC2000)

The path should be a variable (which I already declared)

What is the right command?

Grtz Henro

Danny J. Lesandrini

What do you want to do with the folder?

If you just want Windows to open it, you can use this ...

shell "explorer.exe C:\TruStileDB"

If you want to loop through the files, then you can use
the File Scripting Object to ennumerate and work with
all the files of a folder. For that code, look here ...


I use the following code to make a folder.
I want to open that same folder using explorer.exe so your shell comand does
a lot of good.
I only need to find out how I can get Exoplorer.exe to open the folder that
is defined in

Dim folder As String

folder = DLookup("SysteemInstellingen.Opslagfolder",
"SysteemInstellingen") & Me.Clientnaam

Another question: SysteemInstellingen.Opslagfolder is a pathname that is
given in by a user. If I use the code as below I get a folder with the name


I would like to have a backslash between D:\Clienten\2004 and Clientnaam (as
in: D:\Clienten\2004\Clientnaam)
Is that possible? If yes then how?

Tia Henro

Below the code used to create the folder.

Private Sub DirMaken_Click()
Dim fso
Dim folder As String

folder = DLookup("SysteemInstellingen.Opslagfolder", "SysteemInstellingen")
& Me.Clientnaam

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FolderExists(folder) Then
fso.CreateFolder (folder)
MsgBox folder & " bestaat al!", vbExclamation, "Map reeds aanwezig"
End If
End Sub

Van T. Dinh


folder = DLookup("SysteemInstellingen.Opslagfolder", _
"SysteemInstellingen") & "/" & Me.Clientnaam

Just in case there are spaces in the path, you should
enclose the path in double-quotes like:

Shell "explorer.exe """ & folder & """"

BTW, Danny's posted code is an example of the Shell method
*only* since we don't know exactly your set-up. It is *up
to you* to modify the code to suit your set-up using
Access Help. If you still can't work out how to adapt the
code, post follow-up question in the same thread. There
is no needs to say that someone's advice "does a lot of

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

-----Original Message-----
I use the following code to make a folder.
I want to open that same folder using explorer.exe so your shell comand does
a lot of good.
I only need to find out how I can get Exoplorer.exe to open the folder that
is defined in

Dim folder As String

folder = DLookup("SysteemInstellingen.Opslagfolder",
"SysteemInstellingen") & Me.Clientnaam

Another question: SysteemInstellingen.Opslagfolder is a pathname that is
given in by a user. If I use the code as below I get a folder with the name


I would like to have a backslash between D:\Clienten\2004 and Clientnaam (as
in: D:\Clienten\2004\Clientnaam)
Is that possible? If yes then how?

Tia Henro

Below the code used to create the folder.

Private Sub DirMaken_Click()
Dim fso
Dim folder As String

folder = DLookup
("SysteemInstellingen.Opslagfolder", "SysteemInstellingen")


`Thanks for your tip and I didn't mean it ironicly or somethimg like that, I
actually DID use the shell code in several places en am happy with it! Like
I am with your suggestion.

Grtz Henro

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