Open a specific workbook...find value from other open workbook and then insert cells values in cell




I have a fantastic macro which Ron De Bruin helped with with. An
absolute star. What I want to be able to is just before the macro
closes the open workbooks I want it to open another workbook in a
specific location and then look down Column A for the value in cell D6
sheet name "Products" and then enter the date in the cell next to what
it found and then the name of the user in the one next to that,

Is this possible?

I hope this makes sense,

Essentially I want to record in another sheet when this the task has
been processed. The value in D6 for each of my workbooks is different
hence I think using the find function would work a treat but I just
don't know how to use it,

Any help is appreciated,




This what I was able to do with the limited information you gave me.

Sub Add_To_Ron()

' Open Workbook
Workbooks.Open "MYWORKBOOK.XLS"
Searchstring = Sheets("Products").Range("D6")
Set searchrange = Cells
Set C = searchrange.Find(Searchstring, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not C Is Nothing Then

C.Offset(rowoffset:=0, columnoffset:=1) = Now()
C.Offset(rowoffset:=0, columnoffset:=2) = "Andrea"
End If

End Sub

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