open a table to update or add record



I want to open table and check to see if PDN exsists in that table
If PDN is in the table i would like to update that Record with some
txt boxes

If PDN is not in the table i want it to insert a New record

It sounds simple but i think i am doind something wrong

Here is the code... What is wrong with it?

Set rstedit = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblDocumentList WHERE
[num] = " & searchcrit)
If rstedit.RecordCount = 1 Then
QrySQL = "UPDATE [tblAlternateDealerInfo] "
Set tblAlternateDealerInfo.BC = " & Me.txtBC & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.TxtPDN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.WSN = " & Me.TxtWSN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Name = " & Me.TxtNAme & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Address = " & Me.TxtAddress & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.City = " & Me.TxtCity & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.State = " & Me.TxtState & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Zip = " & Me.TxtZip & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Phone = " & Me.TxtPhone & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Fax = " & Me.TxtFax & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincSal = " & Me.TxtPrincSal & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincFirst = " & Me.TxtPrincFirst & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincLast = " & Me.TxtPrincLast & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMsection = " & Me.TxtPM & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMname = " & Me.TxtPmname & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMnumber = " & Me.TxtPMnumber & ",
WHERE tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.txtpdn.Value & ";
qstr = "insert into [tblAlternateDealerInfo] (BC, PDN, WSN, Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst, PrincLast,
pmsection, pmname, PMnumber) values ( '" & Me.txtBC & "', '" &
Me.txtPDN & "', '" & Me.txtWSN & "', '" & Me.txtName & "', '" &
Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & "', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" &
Me.txtZIP & "', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & "', '" &
Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast &
"', '" & Me.txtPM & "', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber &
DoCmd.RunSQL (qstr)
End If



I changed the code to this:

Private Sub btnSaveChanges_Click()

Dim qstr As String
Dim db As Database
Dim searchcrit As Long
Dim rstedit As Recordset
Dim QrySQL As String

On Error GoTo error_handler
Set db = CurrentDb
searchcrit = Me.txtUserInput

Set rstedit = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblAlternateDealerInfo
WHERE [num] = " & searchcrit)

If rstedit.EOF Then
qstr = "update [tblAlternateDealerInfo] (BC, PDN, WSN, Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst, PrincLast,
pmsection, pmname, PMnumber) values ( '" & Me.txtBC & "', '" &
Me.txtPDN & "', '" & Me.txtWSN & "', '" & Me.txtName & "', '" &
Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & "', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" &
Me.txtZIP & "', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & "', '" &
Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast &
"', '" & Me.txtPM & "', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber &
DoCmd.RunSQL (qstr)
With rstedit
!BC = Me.txtBC
!PDN = Me.txtPDN
!WSN = Me.txtWSN
!Name = Me.txtName
!Address = Me.txtAddress
!City = Me.txtCity
!State = Me.txtState
!Zip = Me.txtZIP
!Phone = Me.txtPhone
!Fax = Me.txtFax
!PrincSal = Me.TxtPrincSal
!PrincFirst = Me.TxtPrincFirst
!PrincLast = Me.TxtPrincLast
!PMsection = Me.txtPM
!PMname = Me.txtPMName
!PMnumber = Me.txtPMNumber
End With
End If

Set rstedit = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description
Exit Sub
Resume 'debug purpose
End Sub

And i still get an error TOO FEW PARAMETERS expected one

I am trying everything
mscertified said:
what happens when you run this code?

I want to open table and check to see if PDN exsists in that table
If PDN is in the table i would like to update that Record with some
txt boxes

If PDN is not in the table i want it to insert a New record

It sounds simple but i think i am doind something wrong

Here is the code... What is wrong with it?

Set rstedit = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblDocumentList WHERE
[num] = " & searchcrit)
If rstedit.RecordCount = 1 Then
QrySQL = "UPDATE [tblAlternateDealerInfo] "
Set tblAlternateDealerInfo.BC = " & Me.txtBC & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.TxtPDN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.WSN = " & Me.TxtWSN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Name = " & Me.TxtNAme & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Address = " & Me.TxtAddress & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.City = " & Me.TxtCity & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.State = " & Me.TxtState & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Zip = " & Me.TxtZip & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Phone = " & Me.TxtPhone & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Fax = " & Me.TxtFax & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincSal = " & Me.TxtPrincSal & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincFirst = " & Me.TxtPrincFirst & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincLast = " & Me.TxtPrincLast & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMsection = " & Me.TxtPM & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMname = " & Me.TxtPmname & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMnumber = " & Me.TxtPMnumber & ",
WHERE tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.txtpdn.Value & ";
qstr = "insert into [tblAlternateDealerInfo] (BC, PDN, WSN, Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst, PrincLast,
pmsection, pmname, PMnumber) values ( '" & Me.txtBC & "', '" &
Me.txtPDN & "', '" & Me.txtWSN & "', '" & Me.txtName & "', '" &
Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & "', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" &
Me.txtZIP & "', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & "', '" &
Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast &
"', '" & Me.txtPM & "', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber &
DoCmd.RunSQL (qstr)
End If


John Spencer

What's wrong....
With building and using the qrySQL string
-- You never execute qrySQL
-- You are missing the quote marks at the beginning and ending of every line
-- You have no continuation srings at the end of all the lines
-- You have no text delimeters for when you are assigning text values to the

And you have not posted the entire procedure since we don't see where db is
Set and searchcrit is not declared to name just a bit of the problem

Set rstedit = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblDocumentList WHERE
[num] = " & searchcrit)

For example, assuming that BC and WSN are text fields and PDN is a number
field, you should be building the string as

QrySQL = "UPDATE [tblAlternateDealerInfo] " & _
" Set tblAlternateDealerInfo.BC = " & Chr(34) & Me.txtBC & Chr(34)
& _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.TxtPDN &
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.WSN = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtWSN & Chr(34) &
... & _
" WHERE tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.txtpdn

db.execute QrySQL, dbFailonerror 'Execute the query

End If

I want to open table and check to see if PDN exsists in that table
If PDN is in the table i would like to update that Record with some
txt boxes

If PDN is not in the table i want it to insert a New record

It sounds simple but i think i am doind something wrong

Here is the code... What is wrong with it?

Set rstedit = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblDocumentList WHERE
[num] = " & searchcrit)
If rstedit.RecordCount = 1 Then
QrySQL = "UPDATE [tblAlternateDealerInfo] "
Set tblAlternateDealerInfo.BC = " & Me.txtBC & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.TxtPDN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.WSN = " & Me.TxtWSN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Name = " & Me.TxtNAme & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Address = " & Me.TxtAddress & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.City = " & Me.TxtCity & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.State = " & Me.TxtState & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Zip = " & Me.TxtZip & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Phone = " & Me.TxtPhone & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Fax = " & Me.TxtFax & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincSal = " & Me.TxtPrincSal & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincFirst = " & Me.TxtPrincFirst & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincLast = " & Me.TxtPrincLast & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMsection = " & Me.TxtPM & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMname = " & Me.TxtPmname & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMnumber = " & Me.TxtPMnumber & ",
WHERE tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.txtpdn.Value & ";
qstr = "insert into [tblAlternateDealerInfo] (BC, PDN, WSN, Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst, PrincLast,
pmsection, pmname, PMnumber) values ( '" & Me.txtBC & "', '" &
Me.txtPDN & "', '" & Me.txtWSN & "', '" & Me.txtName & "', '" &
Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & "', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" &
Me.txtZIP & "', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & "', '" &
Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast &
"', '" & Me.txtPM & "', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber &
DoCmd.RunSQL (qstr)
End If



OK here is my entire statement
The only fields that are not TEXT are BC, PDN and WSN and they are all

I am getting syntax error
I keep changing things
What is the best way to do it??

Private Sub btnSaveChanges_Click()

Dim qstr As String
Dim db As Database
Dim searchcrit As Long
Dim rstedit As Recordset
Dim QrySQL As String

On Error GoTo error_handler
Set db = CurrentDb
searchcrit = Me.txtUserInput

Set rstedit = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblDocumentList
WHERE[PDN] = " & searchcrit)
If rstedit.RecordCount = 1 Then
QrySQL = "UPDATE [tblAlternateDealerInfo] "
Set tblAlternateDealerInfo.BC = " & Me.txtBC & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.TxtPDN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.WSN = " & Me.TxtWSN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Name = " & Me.TxtNAme & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Address = " & Me.TxtAddress & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.City = " & Me.TxtCity & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.State = " & Me.TxtState & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Zip = " & Me.TxtZip & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Phone = " & Me.TxtPhone & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Fax = " & Me.TxtFax & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincSal = " & Me.TxtPrincSal & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincFirst = " & Me.TxtPrincFirst & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincLast = " & Me.TxtPrincLast & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMsection = " & Me.TxtPM & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMname = " & Me.TxtPmname & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMnumber = " & Me.TxtPMnumber & ",
WHERE tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.txtpdn.Value & ";
qstr = "insert into [tblAlternateDealerInfo] (BC, PDN, WSN, Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst,
PrincLast,pmsection, pmname, PMnumber) values ( '" & Me.txtBC & "', '"
& Me.txtPDN & "', '" & Me.txtWSN & "', '" & Me.txtName & "', '" &
Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & "', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" &
Me.txtZIP & "', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & "', '" &
Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast &
"', '" & Me.txtPM & "', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber &
DoCmd.RunSQL (QrySQL)
End If

Set rstedit = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description
Exit Sub
Resume 'debug purpose
End Sub

John Spencer

First you could have implemented the changes that were already suggested and
tried the code to see if it works.

Private Sub btnSaveChanges_Click()

Dim db As Database
Dim QrySQL As String

On Error GoTo error_handler
Set db = CurrentDb

IF DCount("*","tblDocumentList","PDN=" & me.txtUserInput) = 1 then

QrySQL = "UPDATE [tblAlternateDealerInfo] " & _
" Set tblAlternateDealerInfo.BC = " & Me.txtBC & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.TxtPDN & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.WSN = " & Me.TxtWSN & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.Name = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtName &
Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.Address = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtAddress &
Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.City = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtCity &
Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.State = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtState &
Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.Zip = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtZip & Chr(34)
& _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.Phone = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtPhone &
Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.Fax = " & & Chr(34) Me.TxtFax & Chr(34)
& _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincSal = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtPrincSal
& Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincFirst = " & Chr(34) &
Me.TxtPrincFirst & Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincLast = " & Chr(34) &
Me.TxtPrincLast & Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMsection = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtPM &
Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMname = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtPmname &
Chr(34) & _
", tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMnumber = " & Chr(34) & Me.TxtPMnumber
& Chr(34) & _
" WHERE tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.txtpdn

DB.Execute QrySQL, dbFailOnError

'Remove the apostrophes around the values to be entered into the number
QrySQL = "insert into [tblAlternateDealerInfo] (BC, PDN, WSN, Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst,
PrincLast,pmsection, pmname, PMnumber) VALUES ( " & Me.txtBC & ", "
& Me.txtPDN & ", " & Me.txtWSN & ", '" & Me.txtName & "', '" &
Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & "', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" &
Me.txtZIP & "', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & "', '" &
Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast &
"', '" & Me.txtPM & "', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber &
DB.Execute QrySQL, dbFailOnError
End If

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description

Resume 'debug purpose
End Sub

OK here is my entire statement
The only fields that are not TEXT are BC, PDN and WSN and they are all

I am getting syntax error
I keep changing things
What is the best way to do it??

Private Sub btnSaveChanges_Click()

Dim qstr As String
Dim db As Database
Dim searchcrit As Long
Dim rstedit As Recordset
Dim QrySQL As String

On Error GoTo error_handler
Set db = CurrentDb
searchcrit = Me.txtUserInput

Set rstedit = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblDocumentList
WHERE[PDN] = " & searchcrit)
If rstedit.RecordCount = 1 Then
QrySQL = "UPDATE [tblAlternateDealerInfo] "
Set tblAlternateDealerInfo.BC = " & Me.txtBC & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.TxtPDN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.WSN = " & Me.TxtWSN & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Name = " & Me.TxtNAme & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Address = " & Me.TxtAddress & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.City = " & Me.TxtCity & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.State = " & Me.TxtState & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Zip = " & Me.TxtZip & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Phone = " & Me.TxtPhone & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.Fax = " & Me.TxtFax & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincSal = " & Me.TxtPrincSal & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincFirst = " & Me.TxtPrincFirst & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PrincLast = " & Me.TxtPrincLast & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMsection = " & Me.TxtPM & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMname = " & Me.TxtPmname & ",
tblAlternateDealerInfo.PMnumber = " & Me.TxtPMnumber & ",
WHERE tblAlternateDealerInfo.PDN = " & Me.txtpdn.Value & ";
qstr = "insert into [tblAlternateDealerInfo] (BC, PDN, WSN, Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst,
PrincLast,pmsection, pmname, PMnumber) values ( '" & Me.txtBC & "', '"
& Me.txtPDN & "', '" & Me.txtWSN & "', '" & Me.txtName & "', '" &
Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & "', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" &
Me.txtZIP & "', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & "', '" &
Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast &
"', '" & Me.txtPM & "', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber &
DoCmd.RunSQL (QrySQL)
End If

Set rstedit = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description
Exit Sub
Resume 'debug purpose
End Sub



I did what you suggested but now it comes up with VARIABLE NOT DEFINED

Goes to the debugger :
With tblAlternateDealerInfo.BC

John Spencer

Did you fix the wrapping in this section?

QrySQL = "insert into [tblAlternateDealerInfo] (BC, PDN, WSN, Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst,
PrincLast,pmsection, pmname, PMnumber) VALUES ( " & Me.txtBC & ", "
& Me.txtPDN & ", " & Me.txtWSN & ", '" & Me.txtName & "', '" &
Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & "', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" &
Me.txtZIP & "', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & "', '" &
Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast &
"', '" & Me.txtPM & "', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber &

Try replacing that with the following.
QrySQL = "INSERT INTO [tblAlternateDealerInfo] " & _
"(BC, PDN, WSN, Name,Address, City, State, Zip" & _
", Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst, PrincLast, pmsection" & _
", pmname, PMnumber) " & _
" VALUES ( " & Me.txtBC & ", " & Me.txtPDN & _
", " & Me.txtWSN & ", '" & Me.txtName & _
"', '" & Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & _
"', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" & Me.txtZIP & _
"', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & _
"', '" & Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & _
"', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast & "', '" & Me.txtPM & _
"', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber & "')"


The INSERT INTO is working just fine it will insert a new record... The
is that it will not update the record. Should i open a recordset first
to see if the record exists?

I need it to update the old record if one exists.

Thanks for all your help

John said:
Did you fix the wrapping in this section?

QrySQL = "insert into [tblAlternateDealerInfo] (BC, PDN, WSN, Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst,
PrincLast,pmsection, pmname, PMnumber) VALUES ( " & Me.txtBC & ", "
& Me.txtPDN & ", " & Me.txtWSN & ", '" & Me.txtName & "', '" &
Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & "', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" &
Me.txtZIP & "', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & "', '" &
Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast &
"', '" & Me.txtPM & "', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber &

Try replacing that with the following.
QrySQL = "INSERT INTO [tblAlternateDealerInfo] " & _
"(BC, PDN, WSN, Name,Address, City, State, Zip" & _
", Phone, Fax, PrincSal, PrincFirst, PrincLast, pmsection" & _
", pmname, PMnumber) " & _
" VALUES ( " & Me.txtBC & ", " & Me.txtPDN & _
", " & Me.txtWSN & ", '" & Me.txtName & _
"', '" & Me.txtAddress & "', '" & Me.txtCity & _
"', '" & Me.txtState & "', '" & Me.txtZIP & _
"', '" & Me.txtPhone & "', '" & Me.txtFax & _
"', '" & Me.TxtPrincSal & "', '" & Me.TxtPrincFirst & _
"', '" & Me.TxtPrincLast & "', '" & Me.txtPM & _
"', '" & Me.txtPMName & "','" & Me.txtPMNumber & "')"


I did what you suggested but now it comes up with VARIABLE NOT DEFINED

Goes to the debugger :
With tblAlternateDealerInfo.BC