I have an Access database which is basically doing document mangaement. At
certain points in the db, the user opens a word template. I would like the
user to also be able to click on a label in that template to easily open (or
switch to) a specific Access form (within the currently open db, but the form
is not). I have the label set up and the window minimizing when the label is
clicked, my problem is that I do not know how to specify a particular Access
form from Word. Hope this is clear!!!! Thanks for the help!
certain points in the db, the user opens a word template. I would like the
user to also be able to click on a label in that template to easily open (or
switch to) a specific Access form (within the currently open db, but the form
is not). I have the label set up and the window minimizing when the label is
clicked, my problem is that I do not know how to specify a particular Access
form from Word. Hope this is clear!!!! Thanks for the help!