We are using Outlook oft forms to process requests. The forms are sent
to a mailbox where the data is extracted to an Access database via VBA.
Generally this works and there is no issue with most of the forms.
Here is my issue:
Sometimes the oft documents are sent as attachments. How do I:
Read the attachment (oft form), or
move the attachment to a folder.
I need to get the data from these forms into the database. I can
manually open each of the attachments and move the form into a folder
where I can process normally.
to a mailbox where the data is extracted to an Access database via VBA.
Generally this works and there is no issue with most of the forms.
Here is my issue:
Sometimes the oft documents are sent as attachments. How do I:
Read the attachment (oft form), or
move the attachment to a folder.
I need to get the data from these forms into the database. I can
manually open each of the attachments and move the form into a folder
where I can process normally.