Open and Close a Workbook to Update Links



I have a file that is linked to another file on the same shared drive. When
I open the file, the links to the other file don't update. However, when I
open the other file the links DO update. I wanted to just open the file I'm
linked to and then close it using a macro, but this doesn't work either. I'm
using the following code:

Workbooks.Open "Linked File Path"
ActiveWorkbook.Close (True)

When the file opens, through this code, all the links seem to update but
then as soon as it's closed the linked cells revert back to Ref errors. Any
suggestions to how I can get around this issue?


Adam Bush



I just realized that I use the indirect function and that the source file
has to be open for this to work. However, I can't have the source file open
at all times, only periodically. Is there any way to get around this?


Adam Bush

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