Open another database from within current database


Kathy Webster

While in Access XP, can you program a command button to open another
database, and leave the current database open as well?


sure..simplest way is to create a label and put the fully qualified path
into the hyperlink address.

alternatives exist to that - but that is pretty simple.


Mahesh Yawantikar

Hello Kathy,
Reg. your query , i think its not possible, atleast until now to do
that. Even in Access 2003 its the same problem, when you want to open another
database, and leave the current database open, it doesn't work. That what, i
know, atleast until now.


Sure it can work.
But you need to create a new Instance of MS Access

Public Function newMSAccess(strPathtoAccess As String)
Dim objMSAccess As New Access.Application
With objMSAccess
.OpenAccessProject strPathtoAccess, False
End With
End Function

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