Open Appointment Recurrence Dialog with code




I would like to ask a question concerning the "Appointment Recurrence"
dialog (the one which opens, when I select the Action -> Recurrence...
menu item of an appointment item).

Is there a possibility to write some code in an addin, which
automatically opens this dialog for the user (as it is e.g. done when
you open a 'New Recurring Appointment' with a right mouse click on you

thanx in advance

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

No, that dialog can't be directly opened using code.

You can open it by using the Execute method for the Recurrence
CommandBarButton in the Actions menu of an open appointment item but you
won't have any control over the dialog and can't retrieve values from it
other than by reading the recurrence pattern after the dialog is closed. A
tip is to always check for IsRecurring before you access
GetRecurrencePattern because that method creates a recurring item even if
the item wasn't recurring previously.

You could also call Execute on the New Recurring Appointment in the Actions
menu of an Explorer that is displaying a Calendar folder.


OK, I see, I think that answer will help me to proceed
thanks Ken

But there is another point which is not clear for me related to this

Is there any possibility to recognize, that the user has opened an
appointment via the 'New Recurring Appointment' menu item, _before_
that item (and the dialog) is shown;
e.g. can I somehow find out that this menu item has been used or -
another idea - if I intercept the item_open event, is there any
indication (unfortunately _I_ didn't find any).

thanks in advance

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

If there is any way it would be to check IsRecurring either in Item_Open or
NewInspector. It's also possible there are specific MAPI properties that are
different, you can easily check that using OutlookSpy (

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