Open CSV file



I need to open a CSV file in Excel 2000, find the end of the file and select
that range and copy it to spreadsheet "B" starting at A2. I am using the
following to open the file. How can I find the end of the range of a CSV
file, then copy that range to an excel sheet.


sfile1 = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.csv), *.txt")
If sfile1 <> "" Then
Open sfile1 For Input As 1
End If

Dave Peterson

I would just open it as a workbook and then copy the used range

dim sFile1 as variant
dim destCell as range
dim wkbkCSV as workbook
sfile1 = Application.GetOpenFilename("CSV Files, *.csv")
if sfile1 = false then
exit sub
end if

set destcell = workbooks("b.xls").worksheets("somenameHere").range("A2")

set wkbkcsv = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=sfile1)

wkbkcsv.worksheets(1).usedrange.copy _

wkbkcsv.close savechanges:=false

Uncompiled, untested--watch for typos!

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