Open Document


Rich S

Hi, I am trying to create a macro that will open a
document - it needs to prompt the user for a filename (we
use numbers), plus there are 4 "0's in front of each
filename and I don't want them to have to type this. So
far I have:

Documents.Open FileName:="J:/WillForm/0000-this is where I
need a user prompt"

Any help is appreciated!


Least effort is to use an input box.

Dim pName as string
pName = InputBox("Enter filename")
If len(pName) > 0 then
Documents.Open FileName:="J:/WillForm/0000" & pName
End if

You should allow for the user to cancel the input, and also deal with the
inevitability that they'll sometimes get the name wrong. Why not just use
the ordinary fileopen and let them select the file? ... then they don't have
to type anything at all, and can't get it wrong.

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