Open excel file in 2007 version


A. J


I have an Access database program to read the data from the Excel files and
insert the data into one of the table. Both of the Access database and Excel
files were created in 2003 version and they worked well in the 2003 version.
Now I have a 2007 version, and try to do the same process. After I run the
database program, no data were loaded in the database table. I manually click
on the excel file (2003 version), only the 2007 excel background file open
but not the excel workbook file. I converted the 2003 version excel file to
2007 version, and click on it, still the file cannot be opened. I found a way
to open the file manually by opening the 2007 excel program first, then
select and open the file. But when the database program opens the Excel file
to read the data, how can the database manually to do it? If the excel file
cannot open, how can the program read the data from the excel file? How can
I do? Please help me. Thanks!


You don't need to make any changes to the Excel file...

Open the Access mdb in Access 2007 and it should take read the data from

Also you can double click to open Excel 2003 file in Excel 2007...

Rest depends on how your access db is accessing the Excel file... if it
depends on Excel installation path then it won't find the file...

Can you share the mdb and xls files?

Try posting it to Access forum as it does not seem to be an Excel issue.

A. J.

Thank you for your reply.

I cannot double click to open Excel 2003 file and Excel 2007 in Excel 2007.
Do I set up something wrong? I also saw some of the questions online it said
that is a bug in the 2007 version, is that right?

The Access program is depending on the path to find out the Excel file.

I will follow your advice and post my question on the Access forum.

A. J.

If I open the Excel 2007 first then open the file that is ok, but if I direct
double click on the file, it will not open.


Close Excel first and On the Windows Taskbar

1) Start->Run-> excel.exe /unregserver ->OK.
2) Start->Run-> excel.exe /regserver ->OK.

See the space between exe and /regserver

You might have to designate a full path to excel.exe (most likely C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office12)

In that case Start->Run-> "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office12\excel.exe" /regserver -> OK

Note that quotes are required because of spaces in the path

A. J.

I have tried three ways as you provided. After I click the OK button for each
trying, the Excel 2007 window popped up, then I double click on an Excel
file, it looks the same way as before which I still cannot open the file by
double clicking the file. Should I try some other? Thanks.

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