Open Excel on two monitors simultaneously

  • Thread starter Cheryl Lundgren
  • Start date

Cheryl Lundgren

I now have dual monitors but haven't been able to open Excel on both monitors
simultaneously. Maybe I need a newer version of Windows or Excel? XP and


i would suspect a hardware problem before i would suspect a software problem.
what does the second monitor display?



Open Excel normally and then click on the "Restore Down" icon in the upper
right hand corner.....then click on the blue header and drag the screen over
to the next monitor, or if you want one screen of Excel on both monitors,
click and drag the lower right corner of the screen over to enlarge it to the
other monitor.....

Once you get used to your dual monitors, you'll love them.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Earl Kiosterud


If you mean open two separate instances of Excel, one in each monitor, start Excel twice,
restore one (the button next to the X), drag it over to the other monitor by its title bar,
then maximize it. If you want one instance of Excel with two open workbooks in each
monitor, leave the Excel application (outer) window restored (not maximized) and stretch it
across both monitors by dragging the window borders. Then open the two workbooks and use
Window - Arrange - Vertical, or restore (not maximized) each of their windows and manually
adjust the window borders.

I leave most windows not maximized so I can quickly drag them around across the monitors.
Earl Kiosterud

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