Open Excel Workbook & Find Number



Hi Everyone,

I'm very new to programming with word. I know a little about vb when working
with excel. I have a problem....

From a word document, I need to open an Excel file, activate the "data" page
(which is xlveryhidden), Search through the data page for a 5 digit number,
once the number is found, I need to access the next few cells {ie.
offset(0,1) & offset(0,2)} then use that info to compare against some text a
user input into a userform. I have the code written in excel and it works
fine, I just need it to be converted over so it works for word documents.
here is the excel version. thanks in advance

Function LoginCheck() As Boolean
On Error GoTo LoginCheck_Error
Dim admin As Boolean
Dim pass As String
Dim dept As String
Dim dbadge As String
Dim sheetpass As String

Workbooks.Open dbpath 'dbpath is a constant
Windows("Stamp Spreadsheet.xls").Activate
sheetpass = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 10).Value
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Unprotect (sheetpass)
dbadge = UserForm1.TextBox1
j = Sheets("Data").Cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

n = 1
While n <= j
If InStr(Sheets("Data").Cells(n, 3).Value, dbadge) > 0 Then
pass = Cells(n, 5).Value
dept = Cells(n, 4).Value
If Cells(n, 6).Value <> "" Then
admin = True
admin = False
End If
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Protect (sheetpass)
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
If pass <> strPasswb Then
MsgBox "Incorrect Login. Try Again", vbOKOnly
status = False
Exit Function
End If
If pass = strPasswb Then
If Not (IsNull(admin)) Then
strUserAccess = admin
strUserAccess = ""
End If

If dept = "379" Then
status = True
ElseIf dept = "378" Then
status = True
ElseIf dept = "405" Then
status = True
status = False
Exit Function
End If
LoginCheck = True
Exit Function
LoginCheck = False
MsgBox ("Incorrect Password. Try again.")
Exit Function
End If
ElseIf n < j Then
n = n + 1
ElseIf n >= j Then
MsgBox "You must create an account to stamp"
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Protect ("123")
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
LoginCheck = False
status = False
Exit Function
End If


Thanks for the info. I should be able to make something work from that.
One other question though. It says add a reference to Excel. I added
"Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library" is this the correct reference to add
for this? im not too familiar with these reference n such. Thanks again so
much for the info

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

If that is the version of the Object Library that is on your system, it
should be OK (on that system)

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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