Open Files on Network changes location



OfficeXPsp2,sp1 or standard seems to have the same problem
when you have mapped drive letters.

To create the problem open Word or any of your office
products and click on the yellow file folder (open).

On the pull down menu to change the drive letter, click on
any drive letter. IE.. F:\

If you have multi-mapped drives, you will notice that the
pull down has changed to another drive letter other then
the one you selected. So by choosing F:\ its now M:\ or
any of your other mapped drives, but not the one you

One more thing can also happen, lets say you select F:\
and it goes there, select any folder within the F:\
directory and you might receive the error "The directory
name is invalid" - selecting it again, works correctly the
second time.

Cancel and re-open the yellow file folder and instead of
resetting to your file locations folder, it remembers your
last location and opens that directory instead of going to
your default open location.

Other applications do not behave the same way, only
OfficeXP products. I have conducted tests to insure it is
only an issue with OfficeXP and not a system problem. I
contacted a different location (sister company) and had
them go through the same tests with similar results.

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