Open files (pdfs, docxs, etc) saved inOneNote - "Open With" comman



Hello. I am a Medical Student and use OneNote for organizing all my
materials. I frequently save files, e.g. pdf's, docx's, pptx's, in OneNote
itself so that I can find the original files when I am going through notes.

Is there a way to enable the "open with" command in the right click menu for
files saved in OneNote. For example, say I have a journal article pdf saved
in a OneNote page. I have two programs for viewing pdfs, Acrobat and PDF
Annotator, depending on what I want to do with it. In OneNote, when I right
click on the pdf file, I only see the "open" option, which opens the file
with the default pdf viewer. Thus, if I want to use the non-default pdf
program, I have to either switch the default program or save the pdf file to
a location on my computer where I can see the "open with" dialog in the right
click menu.

Thank you very much for any advice and/or help offered. I greatly
appreciate it.


Ilya Koulchin

jason_hunt said:
Is there a way to enable the "open with" command in the right click menu for
files saved in OneNote. For example, say I have a journal article pdf saved
in a OneNote page. I have two programs for viewing pdfs, Acrobat and PDF
Annotator, depending on what I want to do with it. In OneNote, when I right
click on the pdf file, I only see the "open" option, which opens the file
with the default pdf viewer. Thus, if I want to use the non-default pdf
program, I have to either switch the default program or save the pdf file to
a location on my computer where I can see the "open with" dialog in the right
click menu.

There is no "open with" option in OneNote. As you discovered, if you
want to open a document with a non-default program you will need to save
it first and then open it.

Another option is to insert the PDFs into OneNote as printouts. You will
then be able to annotate and view directly within OneNote, although your
annotations would not be saved to the original PDF file.


Rainald Taesler

jason_hunt said:
Hello. I am a Medical Student and use OneNote for organizing all my
Is there a way to enable the "open with" command in the right click
menu for files saved in OneNote. For example, say I have a journal
article pdf saved in a OneNote page. I have two programs for
viewing pdfs, Acrobat and PDF Annotator, depending on what I want
to do with it.

As Ilya already said, there is no such option in ON.
ON always opens the *standard* program defined in the OS.

As I often work with PDF-Annotator I have set that as the default
program for viewing PDFs.
So when opening a PDF from ON, the Annotator comes up and IMO it's good
enough for viewing too.
When I want to use the Adobe Reader I select it from the context-menu's
"Open with .." in the Explorer.


Rainald Taesler

Ilya said:
Another option is to insert the PDFs into OneNote as printouts. You
will then be able to annotate and view directly within OneNote,
although your annotations would not be saved to the original PDF

Are you honestly recommending this?
Commenting/annotating an image in ON is quite something.
IMO it's hardly usable the way this feature implemented at present.



Thank you for your help. I know about printing a document into OneNote but
find it an unacceptable way to work.

Thanks Rainald. I have PDF Annotator and will give it a try as the default


Rainald Taesler

jason_hunt said:
Thank you for your help. I know about printing a document into
OneNote but find it an unacceptable way to work.

I use it for certain things where I want to *see* the content and where
I want to be able to search, f.e. our university's telephone registers
(I have even a link for that on my desktop ;-) ).
But for commenting the content of a PDF there's too much lacking in ON,
Thanks Rainald. I have PDF Annotator and will give it a try as the
default viewer.

OK fine. Pls report if does not work as desired.


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