OPen Form B from Form A with related records



Hi again

I receive syntax error on the following

View",[ViewAsAcFormView=acNormal],,[WhereCondition:"Case ID ="&Me.Case ID])
all i want to do is to open Form B from Form A with related records by
klicking on a command button...


The command button will set that up for you using the openargs portion of the
docmd function.

Allen Browne

This should work provided Form B is not already open:

Dim strWhere As String
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False 'Save first
If IsNull(Me.[Case ID]) Then
MsgBox "Select a case first."
strWhere = "[Case ID] = " & Me.[Case ID]
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form B", WhereCondition:=strWhere
End If


Thank you! Thank yuo! Thank you! Beer is on me when you visit Prague.:)

golfinray said:
The command button will set that up for you using the openargs portion of the
docmd function.
Peter said:
Hi again

I receive syntax error on the following

View",[ViewAsAcFormView=acNormal],,[WhereCondition:"Case ID ="&Me.Case ID])
all i want to do is to open Form B from Form A with related records by
klicking on a command button...

Dirk Goldgar

Peter said:
Hi again

I receive syntax error on the following

View",[ViewAsAcFormView=acNormal],,[WhereCondition:"Case ID ="&Me.Case
all i want to do is to open Form B from Form A with related records by
klicking on a command button...

Did you not see my reply when you asked this same question two days ago in
the GettingStarted group?


Dirk...i appologize, i did not. I am new to this kind of forum and it takes
time to undderstand the routines...once again...i am sorry.

Dirk Goldgar said:
Peter said:
Hi again

I receive syntax error on the following

View",[ViewAsAcFormView=acNormal],,[WhereCondition:"Case ID ="&Me.Case
all i want to do is to open Form B from Form A with related records by
klicking on a command button...

Did you not see my reply when you asked this same question two days ago in
the GettingStarted group?

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

(please reply to the newsgroup)

Dirk Goldgar

Peter said:
Dirk...i appologize, i did not. I am new to this kind of forum and it
time to undderstand the routines...once again...i am sorry.

No problem; it just seemed strange that your question didn't change, and I
thought I'd answered it.

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