Open Form Button does not work going from Access2003 to Access 200


M Rhodes

One of my forms has a button that open a form based on a field on the form.
This button works fine if I open my ddatabase in Access 2003. If I open it in
Access2007 it does not work. The Button macro also does not work properly in
Access2007. It does not show the filds in the open form to match to the new
form the button opens. Earlier I solved other wizard problems by registering
the DAO360 and other files but things are still not working right in

Allen Browne

Firstly, you may need to add your database folder to the trusted locations
Office Button | Access Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings

Otherwise, the code may not run at all.

After that, open the code window and choose Compile on the Debug menu. The
menu item will gray out if it compiles without error.

M Rhodes

Thanks. I did both things and now the button works. I am still unclear why I
could not contruct the button in Access2007. Note in my original post, I had
to creat the button in Access2003. To make an "open form" button , the wizard
asks to match a field on the current form to a field on the form you want to
open. I only had one field on the form containing the button and it does not
show up in the wizard. It does show up in A2203.

Will I always have to compile the VB or was that just to check for errors?

Allen Browne

The trust center setting probably solved it.

The Compile tests for errors. For example, if the A2007 machine lacks a
library reference, or if a new reserved word was used in an invalid way, or

M Rhodes

Still having substantial problems with the Wizards in Access2007. If you want
to continue helping, I need to explain about my computers environment. I work
in a large organization that is very sercurity aware. I have two accounts on
my computer. I am explaining this because Access is behaving differently in
each account. One account has Admin privelges. The second account is limited.
They do not want us online with the Admin account. The admin account is only
to download software and install software, etc. We are supposed to use the
limited account for all normal work. I need Access running properly in the
limited account.

So yesterday, I used the admin account to register DAO360 and the other file
and to make the changes you recommened. I tested Access in the admin account.
The application worked. It also works in the limited account.

What is not working in either account yet is the button creation wizard. In
the limited account, I get "error in loading dll" just like before I made the
changes yesterday. It seems registering files only worked for the admin

In the admin account, I no longer get "error in loading dll" but the wizard
still does not show fields in the current form for matching in opening the
new form. The current form window is blank while the window for the form to
open shows all the fields. here are my steps.
1. Click create a button.
2. Drag the button on the form
3. Choose form operations
4. Choose open a form
5 Click the dot for opne based on matching records
6. Then I get the window where I choose the filed in the current form and
the form to open. The window for the current form is not populated. My form
has only one filed in it, an unbounds combo box.

Note that this exact sequence works fien with Access2003.

I have to say this is very frustrating to need all this work for what is
supposed to be a user friendly application. I am failrly computer
knowledgable and am really struggling with Access2007. The average user would
really be up the creek. If anyone from Microsoft is reading this, I am close
to ditching Office2007 and going back to 2003.

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