I have a report (rptStrategicPlan) that has 2 subheadings: 1) goals 2)
objectives. I'm trying to make this report open up a form (either goal or
objectives) when that subheading is clicked. For instance, if you were to
click on objective 1.2, I would want the frmObjective to open and list all
corresponding details under objective 1.2.
To accomplish this, I used an 'OpenForm' macro with this 'where condition':
Reports![rptStrategicPlan]![SubObjectiveID] = Forms![tblAnnualPlan
When I run this macro, the form will open, but no records appear. Any
assistance would be much appreciated!
objectives. I'm trying to make this report open up a form (either goal or
objectives) when that subheading is clicked. For instance, if you were to
click on objective 1.2, I would want the frmObjective to open and list all
corresponding details under objective 1.2.
To accomplish this, I used an 'OpenForm' macro with this 'where condition':
Reports![rptStrategicPlan]![SubObjectiveID] = Forms![tblAnnualPlan
When I run this macro, the form will open, but no records appear. Any
assistance would be much appreciated!