open hyperlink to asp page



Hi. I am trying to open a hyperlink through code to a redirected asp
page but it is not working. Here is a portion of my (revised) code:

Dim strsql as string
strsql = ""
Application.FollowHyperlink strsql, , True, , "id=2"

I have also tried not using the 'extra info' portion:

Dim strsql as string
strsql = ""
Application.FollowHyperlink strsql

Each time, Internet Explorer opens, but it drops the id, the 2, so it
doesn't bring up the data form. If i manually type in the url into a
browser window it works fine, but when the hyperlink is sent from my
code it doesn't work. I also tried disabling my firewall to see if that
had something to do with it but i saw no changes. Any ideas?

Vadim Rapp

J> Dim strsql as string
J> strsql = ""
J> Application.FollowHyperlink strsql

J> Each time, Internet Explorer opens, but it drops the id, the 2, so it
J> doesn't bring up the data form.

I tried

Application.FollowHyperlink ""

and it worked OK. But it's possible that Access is trying to be "helpful"
and intervenes somehow. Here's another, more universal way of doing it:

CreateObject("").Run ""

Vadim Rapp

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