hi Bill,
I know this is easy and I hope I am close. I want to open several files
different folders. I kow the names of the files so this is what I have.
VBA Code:
--------------------Workbooks.Open Filename:="Y:\folder\filename.xlsm"
When I run the macro it says file not found. Do I have to use the following
to change folders each time I am using a different folder?
VBA Code:
--------------------ChDir "Y:\folder"
I don't think you should need to use ChDir (See SHG's comment 'here'
Is it possible that there are any spelling mistakes or extra spaces etc
in your file names?
As a matter of course I suggest testing for the file's existence before
performing any actions on it. Here's some an example function:
VBA Code:
Public Function DoesFileFolderExist(strfullpath As String) As Boolean
'sourced from 'Function to Check if File or Directory (Folder) exists | Excelguru.ca' (
http://www.excelguru.ca/node/30) by Ken Puls
'note it only checks for the existence of the lowest folder (or the file) in the strfullpath string.
If Not Dir(strfullpath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then DoesFileFolderExist = True
End Function
'this can be used in sub's as shown below...
sub test()
dim PathOfFileToOpen as string
PathOfFileToOpen = "Y:\folder\filename.xlsm"
if DoesFileFolderExist(PathOfFileToOpen) then
Workbooks.Open Filename:="Y:\folder\filename.xlsm"
msgbox "There is no file called " & PathOfFileToOpen
end if