How do you open "normal view" as default and not workbook
A little confusing here, since workbook is the collection of one or more
worksheets that make up a file, not a view.
However, one way:
In XL04, choose Preferenes/VIew and set the "Open new worksheets using
this view" dropdown to Normal.
in XL08, choose Preferences/View, and set the "Preferred view for new
sheets" dropdown to "Normal".
Better yet, create a *template* file with the view, number of sheets,
formatting, etc that you want, and save it *as a template* with the
name "Workbook" (no quotes, no extensions) in the
Applications:Microsoft Office 200x:Office:Startup:Excel
folder (or alternate startup folder if you've set one in
Preferences/General). From then on, blank workbooks will be copied from
*that* template.