Rui Oliveira
I am open Outlook from another application, using the following code:
Application olApp;
_NameSpace olNs(olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"));
COleVariant covOptional((long)DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
olNs.Logon(covOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional);
But in the line
_NameSpace olNs(olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"));
appears a message from McAfee antivirus saying that “A Suspicious Script Has
Been Detectedâ€
How can I do to avoid this warning?
I know that is possible avoid this warning, because I have an application
that open Outlook too and don’t appears the warning, but I don’t know how.
Thanks & Regards,
Rui Oliveira
Application olApp;
_NameSpace olNs(olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"));
COleVariant covOptional((long)DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
olNs.Logon(covOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional);
But in the line
_NameSpace olNs(olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"));
appears a message from McAfee antivirus saying that “A Suspicious Script Has
Been Detectedâ€
How can I do to avoid this warning?
I know that is possible avoid this warning, because I have an application
that open Outlook too and don’t appears the warning, but I don’t know how.
Thanks & Regards,
Rui Oliveira