Open Project Error with MSP 2003 - Win XP for Tablet PC Client


Mike A

Hi Everyone,
I am one of 2 people sharing the MSP administrator role at our organization
and have run into a problem we cannot solve

I have recently upgraded to Win XP for Tablet PC and get the very common
error "VB Script" You need Microsoft Project Professional 2003 to perform
this action.

I am in PWA and trying to OPEN a project from the PWA into Professional.

I have thoroughly checked the usual cause of the Same Project Server URL on
both Client and Server and that is not the issue.

We have setup almost 100 clients (mix of Win 2000 and XP) and do not see
this issue and I am wondering if XP for Tablet PC is contributing to the

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Marc Soester [MVP]

Mike, I am using a tablet PC and work with Project Professional, PWA all the
time without any problems.
There are some issues with Windows Vista and IE7.0 but if you use XP you
shuold be fine
hope this helps

Mike A

Thanks Marc,

I am using Project Professional SP-1 and Project Server SP-1 because we have
utilities that use PDS Calls and we did not want to do re-writes.

Do you think moving to Professional SP-2 on the Client may help?

Also, as another test, can you tell me which Fully Qualified Server name you
have chosen, I.e. I have tried both URL and ServerName on both Client and
Internet Browser but get the same error which leads me to believe that the
FQD problem is not the problem.

Any other ideas on what I could check?

Mike A

Further to my last e-mail mark, I just installed SP-2 Professional and the
problem persists.

I am able to Open MSP Projects from within professional. So only the
"transfer of control" from PWA to Professional seems to be the problem, I.e.
from the Project Portfolio view in PWA when I select a project then click
"OPEN" it chokes with the message "Active X" could not open project.

I would appreciate any ideas you have of things to check

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Mike,

First of all, if you install SP2 on your client you will need to have SP2 on
Project Server too. Otherwise you may experience problems.

The problems that you have, have you tried to test it on a "normal" PC? and
if so, have you tried that someone else logs on to your Tablet PC? What was
the result. That will allow you to determine if it is a tablet PC Issue (
which I somehow dont think, since I am using a tablet all the time),

Let me know what the outcome is, which will narrow the reason of your issues
Marc Soester [MVP]
State Manager: EPM

Mike A

Marc, Your a genius, I got a little further.

When someone else logs in on my Tablet, they CAN open a project but I cannot.

We are both using the Administrator account when we initially log in to PWA
and when we are prompted to login again when we connect through MSP Pro.

Where would I find the difference between his Windows NT Privileges and Mine
that would cause this behavior?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Mike A

Further to my last post,

When I log on to a different machine, I CAN open a project, so therefore not
a Windows NT issue, but perhaps a Machine Specific registry issue for my

What do you think?


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]

Two likely culprits are bad cached password or profile corruption. Clear
your browser cache and make sure that you have allowed access to data across
domains in browser security, allow unsigned ActiveX controls. If this
doesn't help, recreate your user profile by renaming the old one to .bak or
something like that.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:

Mike A

Thanks for the information Gary. Sorry I did not respond sooner, I have been
swamped and couldn't try your advice until just now.

Unfortunately neither suggestion seems to have changed the behaviour. I
verfied all the browser settings but everything looked ok. I thought the new
Windows profile would do something for sure since other users that use my
machine work fine but it did not. I renamed my user to something new, then
created a new user and watch my machine perform it's setup for all
applications. I also created a new Project Server account on my client and
entered the URL manually so that every step would be new.

Do you know of any settings on my local machine that may cause this behavior
only for my username? Again my username works fine on another persons
machine and others can use their username fine on my machine, but I cannot
open a project from PWA on my machine. I can open a project directly from
Professional but when I try to open from PWA, I get the "Cannot open Project"

Thanks for your any help you can provide.

Mike A

I spoke too soon. I had only checked my DEV Connection and got an error but
now that I've tried my PROD connection, it WORKS with the NEW PROFILE.

DEV still does not work but now the error is "You need Project 2002 or 2003"
which probably means I have a Browser setup issue or Project Acct issue.

Thanks Gary, looks like it was a corrupt Windows Profile!

I guess your MVP of the MVPs.


I had a similar problem and did many things like clear the cache, etc. The
way I finally resolve as to click the SIGN IN AS A DIFFERENT USER and close
IE. Open Broswer again, and SIGN IN AS DIFFERENT USER again, but this time
as my account.

Some background info. The workstation had this behavior after a three year
lease, the new workstation was replaced by either ghosting or backup
restoring the workstation. Several interations of the SIGN in as Different
User seem to clear something in the registry.

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