Access 2007. Often I create a query based on several tables, and have to
split up the work of the queries into subsequent queries so that the
evaluation is not to complex. The problem is, whenever I go back to edit or
save these queries, it takes forever (2 minutes or more) to load or save. I
understand that it is checking the underlying or child queries, but there has
to be a quicker way to access these for edit --- Creating unecessary TABLES
instead of these underlying queries would eliminate the check --- but this is
a total waste of space. Are there any better solutions?
split up the work of the queries into subsequent queries so that the
evaluation is not to complex. The problem is, whenever I go back to edit or
save these queries, it takes forever (2 minutes or more) to load or save. I
understand that it is checking the underlying or child queries, but there has
to be a quicker way to access these for edit --- Creating unecessary TABLES
instead of these underlying queries would eliminate the check --- but this is
a total waste of space. Are there any better solutions?