Open saved web page with nav bar hidden



Including go to page, search, details or pan and zoom in a saved web page
causes these functions to appear in a frame on the left of the displayed web
page. This frame includes a "Hide" button at the top that the user can click
on to minimize the nav frame.

Question: is there any way to open the web page with the nav frame hidden? I
know that I can turn off all four viewing functions and the frame won't
appear at all -- but that's not what I need to do. I want those functions to
be available, but I want the nav frame to be hidden by default when the web
page is opened. I don't see an option in the UI or a property for this
purpose is the SDK but wondered whether anyone knows a way to accomplish this?

John Goldsmith

Hello Scott,

I haven't studied this in great detail but I don't believe there's anything
accessible in the API. If you want to do a bit of post-publish JavaScript
editing then you might want to look at the ToggleNav() function in
widgets.htm. This post might help, which looks at modifying a different
aspect of the Save As Web Page output:

Hope that helps.

Best regards


John Goldsmith


Thanks, John.

After posting my question, I did poke around in the javascript and found the
ToggleNav() function -- but haven't yet found the place to call it at load
time. Seems like it ought to be obvious (like in the Load() function!), but
so far I have found the right spot.

BTW, I appreciated the content of your "go to web page" post when it
appeared last month. I had done something similar a few months ago in order
to create links to specific pages. In my case, and with the assistance of
someone who knows javascript much better than I, I did the following to pass
the target page as a parameter in the URL:

var g_CurPageIndex = 0;
var args ="?");
// show first page if called with no argument or if
// value of argument is greater than the number of pages
if ( args < 1 || args > g_FileList.length )
var g_CurPageIndex = 0;
var g_CurPageIndex = args - 1; // subtract 1; page list is zero

Then a hyperlink of the form
http://<index page URL>?<page number>
e.g., http://example.htm?3
takes you directly to a specific page.


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