Open Source



It's biggest risk is trust. Divisions, the parterships are usually
scittish at best and usually bound by having a common enemy (that
being Microsoft).

It's greatest attraction is ie. something like NBC not paying for OS
installs, turning code into a commodity (Microsoft can do the same
with older stuff in a cheaper fashion than what linux can
offer-especially with goverment deals (keep in mind newer OS designs
and compatibility) and can remain competitive with the cheapest

The internets nearest short term killer app. is content delivery in a
profitable (inexpensive) manner. Movies music and television shows as
well as newer form of mediums. At present only Microsoft can do this.

Microsofts greatest advantage is it's spread and games selection. If
it doesn't do either quickly Microsoft (the OS company) will be lost.
China is not a lost cause there is other industries which Microsoft
can spin off which is in that countries interests and can be

If Microsoft can patent it's new direct3d GUI in longhorn (and make it
original enough to stand up the court) Microsoft will have the ability
to effectively lock out competing GUI's there by protecting software
developers from clones. There are new offering with a fixed 3d
environment (without the stupid sphere idea) which have the potential
to alter computing (I can do a basic example in 3dmax if you like and
post it as an avi) and is original enough to be (honestly) patented
and therefor exclusive.

Microsoft's greatest disadvantages are it's reputation, it's greed,
it's security and arrogant enough to think it knows what 'all' users

Open source software is at an apex.

--Sorry for the spelling this was done quickly--

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