Michael Blaustein
Hi. I am trying to use the Open statement to write a profile for a template
to a file, kind of like this:
Filenumber = freefile
Open "~/Library/UserInfo1.txt" for Append As #Filenumber
Write #Filenumber, "User Info"
Close #Filenumber
As you can see by the filepath in the Open statement, I wish to save this
file in the User's Library directory. However, what it appears to be doing
instead is creating a file in whatever the current directory is called
"~/Library/UserInfo1.txt". The filename itself has the tilda and the
slashes in it, as opposed to it seeing the tilda and slashes as the path to
the file. I have also attempted this with backslashes ( \ ) to no avail.
Is there anyone who can help point me in the right direction? Thank you in
Michael Blaustein
to a file, kind of like this:
Filenumber = freefile
Open "~/Library/UserInfo1.txt" for Append As #Filenumber
Write #Filenumber, "User Info"
Close #Filenumber
As you can see by the filepath in the Open statement, I wish to save this
file in the User's Library directory. However, what it appears to be doing
instead is creating a file in whatever the current directory is called
"~/Library/UserInfo1.txt". The filename itself has the tilda and the
slashes in it, as opposed to it seeing the tilda and slashes as the path to
the file. I have also attempted this with backslashes ( \ ) to no avail.
Is there anyone who can help point me in the right direction? Thank you in
Michael Blaustein