Open Table or form in access 2007


Jose Perdigao

In acc2003, when I open a table with many records (200.000), the table
immediately opens and then the records is coming, I like this feature because
the screen is no blank and the user can see the data.

The forms have the same behavior in acc2003.

Also I created the following procedure to open the form and it also behavior
as above.

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim Rec As ADODB.recordset

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rc= New ADODB.recordset

rc.Open "J1_Allocation", cn, , , adAsyncFetchNonBlocking
DoCmd.OpenForm "zzz"
Set Forms!zzz.recordset = rc

With this code, when I open the form ZZZ, immediately start to show the

I convert the ADP to acc2007 and it doesn't have this behavior. Does it need
to set any parameter?

I need help,


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