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I work for the Air National Guard - as our planes return from flight the
aircrews report to our maintenance debrief center and report any aircraft
mechanical problems. To track these write-ups I created a database that works
just fine. Next I want to load the program on thumb drives so the Crew Chiefs
can track the write-ups while out of the country until they return. Question
is when they return how can I create a button in the master program to
transfer the data from the thumb drives? The program only has one table that
tracks the discrepancies.

Please give me the novice version if possible.



The simple answer is you can link to the database on the thumb drive and use
an append query to import the data they have entered.
The only difficulty will be determining whether there is any duplicate data.
That is, if you enter a problem and the crew chief takes a copy of your
database and maked changes to the data, then it is more complex that just an


That makes it really easy.
Just link to the table in their database and use an append query to import
the data from their table.


Done - That was too easy...

Klatuu said:
That makes it really easy.
Just link to the table in their database and use an append query to import
the data from their table.

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