open unformated floppy disc



Flpooy disc work saved on to. next day message reads connot open file not

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Never save directly to a floppy or open a file directly from a floppy; this
is one of the fastest ways to corrupt your documents. It may already be too
late, but try copying the file to your HD, then open from there.

Tony Jollans

If you have the chance, try reading the floppy on another PC. I don't know
why but I have found this problem with floppies far more frequently on new
PCs than on older ones.

Charles Kenyon

If you want to be able to use your documents, when working within Word, act
as if your floppy drive does not exist! (This applies to CDRW/CDR drives as
Don't use Word to:
Open a document on a floppy
Print a document on a floppy
Edit a document on a floppy
Save a document to a floppy (not even a copy)

Word regularly trashes documents on floppy drives!

Instead, work on the document using your hard drive. Copy it back and forth
using Windows.

I know that for some with shared computers (libraries, schools) this is a
tough prescription. All I can recommend for that is to use a brand new
formatted disk each time you save and don't do any editing.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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