Tim is right: you must download computer files to your computer in order to
display them in any application, unless you use a Remote Terminal setup.
Having downloaded the file, it must be stored on your computer "somewhere".
Every web page you ever looked at lands on your hard disk "somewhere", and
you need to clean up your disk from time to time to get rid of the files
created this way. Modern browsers do this for you automatically.
In your case, you can create a StudentTrash folder and download them all to
that, then delete the contents at the end of the term.
Older email programs used to store such material in their Temp folder and
allow you to open it. They and the computers that ran them have probably
been wiped out by viruses long ago. Well-behaved email programs these days
insist that you save to disk so your antivirus program gets a look at the
file before it can harm your computer. In an educational institution it's
probably safest to assume that every second student file you see is laced
with a really toxic brew of Internet Nasties, particularly if your
institution has a Computer Science faculty!
In fact, the CompSci faculty is pretty much the only place you can be fairly
sure of finding a supply of viruses that will take out a Mac, a PC and a
Linux box
If you want to investigate Remote Terminal working, talk to your IS
Department. You may find that they already have it set up for remote
working. If not, don't hold your breath: it's quite an investment. And
unless you have a broadband connection, it's not really practicable: it's
fairly bandwidth-intensive to get decent display and responsiveness.
Hope this helps
I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question, but
hopefully, someone will be able to offer some thoughts.
I teach online classes and my students are required to post documents
(WORD) to an ePortfolio. I then have to view the documents. The only
way I seem to be able to view these documents is to save the documents
to my hard drive; however, this is time-consuming and wastes drive
space. Is there any way to Open/Launch the file without saving it? The
only option my computer gives me is "SAVE." Even if I ask it to Launch
the file, it still saves it first.
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410