open word document by office viewer



Hi developers,

I have to print worddocs coming as mail attachments with the office viewer.
Is this possible via vba?

If there is word installed, my script runs well:
' this prints with the associated application
Dim hwnd As Long
Dim ret As Long

ret = ShellExecute(hwnd, "Print", fname, "", "", 0)
but with office viewer installed, it is not possible to use this command:
ret = 31: SE_ERR_NOASSOC
I think because the office viewer doesn't offer the possibility to print
directly (no print entry in the context menue in explorer)

With word I can also do it this way:
Set app = createobject("Word.application")
Set docToPrint =
' Turn off background printing to avoid error message cf. Microsoft Technote
PrintBackground = app.Options.PrintBackground()
If PrintBackground = True Then app.Options.PrintBackground = False
Call docToPrint.PrintOut()
app.Options.PrintBackground = PrintBackground 'Restore PrintBackground
is there a possibility to call the office viewer in the same way?

Thanks in advance for any help


Maybe I didn't describe it clearly enough ...

On the PCs is no MS office installed, but the microsoft word viewer 97 (+
excel viewer + ppt viewer)

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