Open Workbook from VBA



I hope you guys can help me, I'm don't have much knowletch
about how to do this, I'm a beginer in the file and I
need to find a way to open a workbook using a calendar
from a userform, my workbooks are save as : "mm dd yyyy"
So I need for the calendar to open that especific
workbook as I enter the date in the calendar, plz. I need
help with this one.

I'll like to thank every one in at banse for eny kind of
idea that you can give me.

Chip Pearson


Try something like

Workbooks.Open "C:\folder\" & Format(Userform1.Calendar1.Value, "mm dd
yyyy") & ".xls"

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC (e-mail address removed)

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