Open worksheets containing graphs


Marc Hogg

Why is it that a particular excel file I have contaning
graphs takes ages to open on my PC (using Excel 2000) and
everyone around me can open it fine. We all have the same
spec PC's and network connection speeds.

Ken Wright

Copy of previous post from Norman Harker in response to a similar question that may help. Gist
of it is that a bunch of garbage temp files may be slowing down your system:-

Most Probable Causes

Most probable causes are:

** Windows 95/98/ME

Too much accumulated junk in:
C:\Windows\Temp File

** Windows NT/2000/XP

Too much accumulated junk in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\local settings\temp directory

** Excel 95/97/2000

Bloated Excel.xlb or Excel10.xlb file. I think that this has been cured in Excel
2002 (XP) as I've not seen any reports of it happening.

Deleting the Operating System Temp file

Close Windows and re-open to ensure that any partly installed programs have
finished with the contents of the temp file.

To find your Temp file pretty quickly with either Operating System:

Type the following
Press OK


In Explorer for Windows 95/98 or ME

Find and Select Select C:\Windows\Temp File

In Windows NT/2000/XP

Find and Select C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\local settings\temp

Select all files and delete.

If you feel that's extreme, just copy them to a new location before deleting but
remember that you can delete them later.

Try Excel again.


The Windows\Temp file is used as a general dumping ground by programs during the
installation process. The trouble is that not all installations clean up after
themselves and sometimes the installation is incomplete or aborted and over time
a large amount of detritus collects in there. (A bit like a programmer's office
being the home of once vital stuff like Pizza boxes and Coke bottles).

The trouble is that Excel needs to use that space as well. I think that the
issue is that the Temp folder is using up (and not letting go of) the Swap File
space that Excel also uses rather than Excel actually using the Temp

Charles Williams is the expert in performance issues generally and he has added,
"Controls such as Userforms create a lot of temp files. Sometimes the old ones
don't get deleted and so you get a build up. When Excel opens a workbook
containing these controls it checks all the existing temp files, so this can
take some time. Also they can get corrupted and cause a crash."

Whatever, the precise mechanics we do find that many problems are arising just
after a major install of a program and processing tend to slow down over time.

You'll find it good housekeeping to clear out the Temp file every now and again
but make sure that you shut down the computer first just in case there's a
partially installed program that hasn't finished with stuff its
put in the Temp file

**Checking for a Bloated xlb File

If that fails, locate the Excel.xlb or Excel10.xlb file using Start > Search >
For Files and Folders. The xlb file should not be above around 30kb and is
usually much smaller. If it is bloated, there's not a lot that can be done with
it but you should move it from it's current location.

The xlb file is where Excel stores your toolbar settings and any special
toolbars or buttons that you create. Don't worry about the absence of one of
these files. When Excel completes the next successful open and close, you will
find it has created a new file.

As a precautionary measure. Once you have done any messing about with your
toolbars to get them how you want or to add new toolbars or buttons, you should
take a backup copy of it. If it bloats again, at least you won't have to go back
to scratch.

References to Slow Open / Save Problems:

Opening/Saving Bottlenecks (Charles Williams)

Troubleshoot Startup Problems(MS):;en-us;280504

Some tips on overcoming slow response (David McRitchie)

Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Thursday: National Day (Yemen PH)
Sydney, Australia
Excel & Word format Function Lists free to good homes by direct request to:
(e-mail address removed)

JoeM said:
When attempting to close a word or excel file, it takes an
extremely long time to close the file; even if there are
no changes to the file. It takes even longer if multiple
files are open. Where do I look?

Marc Hogg

Hi Ken

I'll give that a go. Thanks for your help

-----Original Message-----
Copy of previous post from Norman Harker in response to
a similar question that may help. Gist

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