Opened applications




Would it be possible to list all the opened applications/windows that a user
sees in the taskbar?
I know how to list the running processes, but two windows can have the same

Thank you in advance for any suggestion.

Steve Yandl


You can use "Tasks" if you open an instance of MS Word. The example below
is a bare bones approach; you would probably want to check if Word is
already open etc. but this will give you a start. The 'Name' property of a
given task is the friendly name (title bar type name) rather than the
process name (which is often different).


Sub ListVisibleWindows()
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
For Each myTask In objWord.Tasks
If myTask.Visible Then
MsgBox myTask.Name
End If
Next myTask
Set objWord = Nothing
End Sub

Steve Yandl

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