opening a form from a form



I am trying to open a form from a button on the main form. I need to pass a
current identifier to the form being called and then would like all records
in the table with that identifier. I used OpenArgs to pass that identifier.
Then I tried DoCmd.FindRecord in the OnOpen event. However, all the records
in the table are being returned and assigned the passed identifier. What am
I doing wrong? Is there another way to do this, besides a subform. This
secondary form also will need to be openable from the main switchboard so
stands alone in that case.
Thanks in advance for the help.

Linq Adams via

"What am I doing wrong? "

That's kind of hard for us to tell without actually seeing the code you're
using, both from the button on the calling form and the code in the called
form to find the record(s). Please include the sub headers as well; the event
used for finding the record can maker a difference.


You could use the Where condition of the OpenForm action:

DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , ,"[SomeField] = " & Me.[SomeField]

This would be as an alternative to OpenArgs. You could use OpenArgs, but I
think it would be simpler to specify the Where condition when you open the

In general, if you are having trouble with code, post the code. "I tried
DoCmd.FindRecord in the OnOpen event" doesn't provide much information.


Why are you using the OpenArgs function to filter the results? You could just
use the WhereCondition (without the WHERE) to filter the form.

DoCmd.OpenForm "YourFormName", , , ,"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"

Me.ID is the identifier on the main form and ID is the identifier on the
form you are opening.

This method will have no affect on opening the form as a stand alone.
However, if you use an OpenArgs method, you would need to have the code check
if OpenArgs is Null before proceeding.


Linq Adams via

Either method is perfectly acceptable in this circumstance, gentlemen.
Offering an alternative solution such as using the Where clause in opening
the form is fine, but there occasions when OpenArgs is needed, so we should
also try to figure out ***why*** it's not working for the OP by examing her


I did say it would be best to see the code. Using the Where condition
involves one step, while OpenArgs involves passing the argument, then acting
on it. IMHO, doing this in one step makes the most sense.

That being said, I agree that both will work if used properly, but trying to
manipulate the recordset in the Open event will not, as it has not been
loaded. I should have mentioned that in my initial reply. Maybe they
should have been called LoadArgs to discourage the temptation to use them in
the Open event. Oh well.


I agree with everyone. OpenArgs would work, if done correctly. I did say that
if Linda wanted to use an OpenArgs approach that she would need to have an If
statement on the target form to check if there is a value for OpenArgs so
that the form could be opened as a stand alone.

Because everyone beat me to the question of seeing her code, I saw no reason
to reiterate it.... only to offer another suggestion while waiting for her


Thank you all for the continued discussion. I have been trying the various
suggestions but still can't quite get it right. I will include my code for
my attempts below:

Bruce M: DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , ,"[SomeField] = " & Me.[SomeField]
My Code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] =" & Me.SPR_Number

Assoc_AC_Num_txt is the name of the field on the 2nd form (called form)
SPR_Number is the name of the field on the main form

Result: A dialogue box pops up requesting Assoc_AC_Num_txt

Maverick: DoCmd.OpenForm "YourFormName", , , ,"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"
(note: the two suggestions seem opposite to me in what equals what)
My code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Me.SPR Number] = 'Assoc_AC_Num_txt'"

Result: Error "Invalid braceting of name '[Me.Spr Number]'.

Tried removing square brackets and got an error of missing operator.

Linq Adams: OpenArgs
My code: In Form IIRProblemReport1

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_RiskBtn_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Risk_Tracker"
stLinkCriteria = Form_IIRProblemReport1.[SPR Number]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=stLinkCriteria

My Code: in Form Risk_Tracker

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
Me.Assoc_AC_Num_txt = Me.OpenArgs
End If

Opens the Risk_Tracker form but returns all of the records in the risk table
with an Assoc_AC_Num equal to the number passed in from OpenArgs.

Desired result:
Risk_Tracker form would open displaying only those records that have the
same AC_Num as the record its called from in the main form. If none exists,
a blank form would open. The risk tracker form needs to be able to open from
the switchboard with no associated AC Number.

I've tried many "tweaks" to these but I just can't quite get it right.
Thanks so much for your help!


This line of code:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] =" & Me.SPR_Number
means essentially "Open the Risk_Tracker form, loading only the record in
which the field Assoc_AC_Num_txt is the same as SPR_Number from the calling
form (the form containing RiskBtn).

The assumptions behind the code as written are that Assoc_AC_Num_txt is a
field in the record source for Risk_Tracker, and that SPR_Number is a Number
field. If it is a text field you need to change the quotes:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] = " " " &
Me.SPR_Number & " " " "
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] = ' " & Me.SPR_Number
& " ' "
(spaces between the quotes added for clarity)

Remember that Assoc_AC_Num_txt is a *field* in the called form's record
source, not a control on the called form. It could be the control and the
field have the same name (I prefer to avoid this), but it has to be a field,
whatever else it may be.

This is the correct order in the Where argument: First the field in the
called form's record source, then a field in the calling form's record
source or a control on the calling form.

Regarding this expression:
"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"
it should be:
"[ID] = 'ID'"
with this caveat: the syntax will work only if you are seeking the literal
value "ID". I described above the different approach to a number field and
a text field when you use the field's value rather than a literal value.

Regarding OpenArgs, I don't think this syntax will work:
stLinkCriteria = Form_IIRProblemReport1.[SPR Number]
The Me prefix identifies the current form (or report). If [SPR Number] is a
field in the form's record source or a control on the form you could have:
stLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number]
(or Me![SPR Number])
or you could do:
stLinkCriteria = Forms!Form_IIRProblemReport1![SPR Number]
There is no need I can see for the longer syntax in this case, since the
shorter version will work.

In any case, you need to be clear about whether you are using text or number
values. If you are using a number (long integer) value you should probably
declare it that way:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim lngLinkCriteria As Long

stDocName = "Risk_Tracker"
lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number]

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=lngLinkCriteria

Using the string may work, but it is best to be clear what type of value is
being used.

In any case, add a break point to be sure the OpenArgs value is what you
expect. To do this, open the code window, and click in the vertical bar
just to the left of the code, next to the line lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR
Number]. You should see a red dot in the bar, and the line of code should
be highlighted. Go to the form and run the code by clicking the command
button. The code will break at the break point you set. Press the F8 key
to step through the code one line at a time (use F5 to run through the code
either to the end or to the next break point). When you are past the
lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number] line, go back and hover the mouse over
lngLinkCriteria. You will see the value. That is the value being passed to
the called form.

Linda said:
Thank you all for the continued discussion. I have been trying the
suggestions but still can't quite get it right. I will include my code
my attempts below:

Bruce M: DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , ,"[SomeField] = " & Me.[SomeField]
My Code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] =" & Me.SPR_Number

Assoc_AC_Num_txt is the name of the field on the 2nd form (called form)
SPR_Number is the name of the field on the main form

Result: A dialogue box pops up requesting Assoc_AC_Num_txt

Maverick: DoCmd.OpenForm "YourFormName", , , ,"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"
(note: the two suggestions seem opposite to me in what equals what)
My code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Me.SPR Number] = 'Assoc_AC_Num_txt'"

Result: Error "Invalid braceting of name '[Me.Spr Number]'.

Tried removing square brackets and got an error of missing operator.

Linq Adams: OpenArgs
My code: In Form IIRProblemReport1

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_RiskBtn_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Risk_Tracker"
stLinkCriteria = Form_IIRProblemReport1.[SPR Number]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=stLinkCriteria

My Code: in Form Risk_Tracker

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
Me.Assoc_AC_Num_txt = Me.OpenArgs
End If

Opens the Risk_Tracker form but returns all of the records in the risk
with an Assoc_AC_Num equal to the number passed in from OpenArgs.

Desired result:
Risk_Tracker form would open displaying only those records that have the
same AC_Num as the record its called from in the main form. If none
a blank form would open. The risk tracker form needs to be able to open
the switchboard with no associated AC Number.

I've tried many "tweaks" to these but I just can't quite get it right.
Thanks so much for your help!


Maverick said:
I agree with everyone. OpenArgs would work, if done correctly. I did say
if Linda wanted to use an OpenArgs approach that she would need to have
an If
statement on the target form to check if there is a value for OpenArgs so
that the form could be opened as a stand alone.

Because everyone beat me to the question of seeing her code, I saw no
to reiterate it.... only to offer another suggestion while waiting for


The record source for the field in the form being called is Assoc_AC_Num.
(I agree in keeping the names different). The field in the form with the
button is a text field and is named SPR Number. (No underscore between the
words.) So I'm trying
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num] = """ & Me.[SPR Number]
& """"

The result is a prompt for the Assoc_AC_Num. So appears it doesn't get a
vaule for Me.[SPR Number]. I tried an assignment statement in the code and
get the expected value for Me.[SPR Number] so I must still have quotes or
something messed up in the openform command. Do you see my error?

BruceM said:
This line of code:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] =" & Me.SPR_Number
means essentially "Open the Risk_Tracker form, loading only the record in
which the field Assoc_AC_Num_txt is the same as SPR_Number from the calling
form (the form containing RiskBtn).

The assumptions behind the code as written are that Assoc_AC_Num_txt is a
field in the record source for Risk_Tracker, and that SPR_Number is a Number
field. If it is a text field you need to change the quotes:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] = " " " &
Me.SPR_Number & " " " "
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] = ' " & Me.SPR_Number
& " ' "
(spaces between the quotes added for clarity)

Remember that Assoc_AC_Num_txt is a *field* in the called form's record
source, not a control on the called form. It could be the control and the
field have the same name (I prefer to avoid this), but it has to be a field,
whatever else it may be.

This is the correct order in the Where argument: First the field in the
called form's record source, then a field in the calling form's record
source or a control on the calling form.

Regarding this expression:
"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"
it should be:
"[ID] = 'ID'"
with this caveat: the syntax will work only if you are seeking the literal
value "ID". I described above the different approach to a number field and
a text field when you use the field's value rather than a literal value.

Regarding OpenArgs, I don't think this syntax will work:
stLinkCriteria = Form_IIRProblemReport1.[SPR Number]
The Me prefix identifies the current form (or report). If [SPR Number] is a
field in the form's record source or a control on the form you could have:
stLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number]
(or Me![SPR Number])
or you could do:
stLinkCriteria = Forms!Form_IIRProblemReport1![SPR Number]
There is no need I can see for the longer syntax in this case, since the
shorter version will work.

In any case, you need to be clear about whether you are using text or number
values. If you are using a number (long integer) value you should probably
declare it that way:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim lngLinkCriteria As Long

stDocName = "Risk_Tracker"
lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number]

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=lngLinkCriteria

Using the string may work, but it is best to be clear what type of value is
being used.

In any case, add a break point to be sure the OpenArgs value is what you
expect. To do this, open the code window, and click in the vertical bar
just to the left of the code, next to the line lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR
Number]. You should see a red dot in the bar, and the line of code should
be highlighted. Go to the form and run the code by clicking the command
button. The code will break at the break point you set. Press the F8 key
to step through the code one line at a time (use F5 to run through the code
either to the end or to the next break point). When you are past the
lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number] line, go back and hover the mouse over
lngLinkCriteria. You will see the value. That is the value being passed to
the called form.

Linda said:
Thank you all for the continued discussion. I have been trying the
suggestions but still can't quite get it right. I will include my code
my attempts below:

Bruce M: DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , ,"[SomeField] = " & Me.[SomeField]
My Code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] =" & Me.SPR_Number

Assoc_AC_Num_txt is the name of the field on the 2nd form (called form)
SPR_Number is the name of the field on the main form

Result: A dialogue box pops up requesting Assoc_AC_Num_txt

Maverick: DoCmd.OpenForm "YourFormName", , , ,"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"
(note: the two suggestions seem opposite to me in what equals what)
My code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Me.SPR Number] = 'Assoc_AC_Num_txt'"

Result: Error "Invalid braceting of name '[Me.Spr Number]'.

Tried removing square brackets and got an error of missing operator.

Linq Adams: OpenArgs
My code: In Form IIRProblemReport1

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_RiskBtn_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Risk_Tracker"
stLinkCriteria = Form_IIRProblemReport1.[SPR Number]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=stLinkCriteria

My Code: in Form Risk_Tracker

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
Me.Assoc_AC_Num_txt = Me.OpenArgs
End If

Opens the Risk_Tracker form but returns all of the records in the risk
with an Assoc_AC_Num equal to the number passed in from OpenArgs.

Desired result:
Risk_Tracker form would open displaying only those records that have the
same AC_Num as the record its called from in the main form. If none
a blank form would open. The risk tracker form needs to be able to open
the switchboard with no associated AC Number.

I've tried many "tweaks" to these but I just can't quite get it right.
Thanks so much for your help!


Maverick said:
I agree with everyone. OpenArgs would work, if done correctly. I did say
if Linda wanted to use an OpenArgs approach that she would need to have
an If
statement on the target form to check if there is a value for OpenArgs so
that the form could be opened as a stand alone.

Because everyone beat me to the question of seeing her code, I saw no
to reiterate it.... only to offer another suggestion while waiting for


I did say it would be best to see the code. Using the Where condition
involves one step, while OpenArgs involves passing the argument, then
on it. IMHO, doing this in one step makes the most sense.

That being said, I agree that both will work if used properly, but
trying to
manipulate the recordset in the Open event will not, as it has not been
loaded. I should have mentioned that in my initial reply. Maybe they
should have been called LoadArgs to discourage the temptation to use
them in
the Open event. Oh well.

Either method is perfectly acceptable in this circumstance,
Offering an alternative solution such as using the Where clause in
the form is fine, but there occasions when OpenArgs is needed, so we
also try to figure out ***why*** it's not working for the OP by


Does the record source for Risk_Tracker have the field Assoc_AC_Num? If so,
check the spelling. The error is because Access cannot find Assoc_AC_Num in
the record source for Risk_Tracker.

Another point is that the syntax you posted is appropriate if SPR_Number is
a text field. If it is a number field:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num] = " & Me.[SPR Number]

I don't know if that could be the cause of the unwanted prompt you are
getting, but you need to get the syntax correct in any case.

Linda said:
The record source for the field in the form being called is Assoc_AC_Num.
(I agree in keeping the names different). The field in the form with the
button is a text field and is named SPR Number. (No underscore between the
words.) So I'm trying
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num] = """ & Me.[SPR Number]
& """"

The result is a prompt for the Assoc_AC_Num. So appears it doesn't get a
vaule for Me.[SPR Number]. I tried an assignment statement in the code
get the expected value for Me.[SPR Number] so I must still have quotes or
something messed up in the openform command. Do you see my error?

BruceM said:
This line of code:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] =" & Me.SPR_Number
means essentially "Open the Risk_Tracker form, loading only the record in
which the field Assoc_AC_Num_txt is the same as SPR_Number from the
form (the form containing RiskBtn).

The assumptions behind the code as written are that Assoc_AC_Num_txt is a
field in the record source for Risk_Tracker, and that SPR_Number is a
field. If it is a text field you need to change the quotes:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] = " " " &
Me.SPR_Number & " " " "
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] = ' " &
& " ' "
(spaces between the quotes added for clarity)

Remember that Assoc_AC_Num_txt is a *field* in the called form's record
source, not a control on the called form. It could be the control and
field have the same name (I prefer to avoid this), but it has to be a
whatever else it may be.

This is the correct order in the Where argument: First the field in the
called form's record source, then a field in the calling form's record
source or a control on the calling form.

Regarding this expression:
"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"
it should be:
"[ID] = 'ID'"
with this caveat: the syntax will work only if you are seeking the
value "ID". I described above the different approach to a number field
a text field when you use the field's value rather than a literal value.

Regarding OpenArgs, I don't think this syntax will work:
stLinkCriteria = Form_IIRProblemReport1.[SPR Number]
The Me prefix identifies the current form (or report). If [SPR Number]
is a
field in the form's record source or a control on the form you could
stLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number]
(or Me![SPR Number])
or you could do:
stLinkCriteria = Forms!Form_IIRProblemReport1![SPR Number]
There is no need I can see for the longer syntax in this case, since the
shorter version will work.

In any case, you need to be clear about whether you are using text or
values. If you are using a number (long integer) value you should
declare it that way:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim lngLinkCriteria As Long

stDocName = "Risk_Tracker"
lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number]

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=lngLinkCriteria

Using the string may work, but it is best to be clear what type of value
being used.

In any case, add a break point to be sure the OpenArgs value is what you
expect. To do this, open the code window, and click in the vertical bar
just to the left of the code, next to the line lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR
Number]. You should see a red dot in the bar, and the line of code
be highlighted. Go to the form and run the code by clicking the command
button. The code will break at the break point you set. Press the F8
to step through the code one line at a time (use F5 to run through the
either to the end or to the next break point). When you are past the
lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number] line, go back and hover the mouse over
lngLinkCriteria. You will see the value. That is the value being passed
the called form.

Linda said:
Thank you all for the continued discussion. I have been trying the
suggestions but still can't quite get it right. I will include my code
my attempts below:

Bruce M: DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , ,"[SomeField] = " &
My Code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] =" &

Assoc_AC_Num_txt is the name of the field on the 2nd form (called form)
SPR_Number is the name of the field on the main form

Result: A dialogue box pops up requesting Assoc_AC_Num_txt

Maverick: DoCmd.OpenForm "YourFormName", , , ,"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"
(note: the two suggestions seem opposite to me in what equals what)
My code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Me.SPR Number] =

Result: Error "Invalid braceting of name '[Me.Spr Number]'.

Tried removing square brackets and got an error of missing operator.

Linq Adams: OpenArgs
My code: In Form IIRProblemReport1

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_RiskBtn_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Risk_Tracker"
stLinkCriteria = Form_IIRProblemReport1.[SPR Number]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=stLinkCriteria

My Code: in Form Risk_Tracker

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
Me.Assoc_AC_Num_txt = Me.OpenArgs
End If

Opens the Risk_Tracker form but returns all of the records in the risk
with an Assoc_AC_Num equal to the number passed in from OpenArgs.

Desired result:
Risk_Tracker form would open displaying only those records that have
same AC_Num as the record its called from in the main form. If none
a blank form would open. The risk tracker form needs to be able to
the switchboard with no associated AC Number.

I've tried many "tweaks" to these but I just can't quite get it right.
Thanks so much for your help!



I agree with everyone. OpenArgs would work, if done correctly. I did
if Linda wanted to use an OpenArgs approach that she would need to
an If
statement on the target form to check if there is a value for OpenArgs
that the form could be opened as a stand alone.

Because everyone beat me to the question of seeing her code, I saw no
to reiterate it.... only to offer another suggestion while waiting for


I did say it would be best to see the code. Using the Where
involves one step, while OpenArgs involves passing the argument,
on it. IMHO, doing this in one step makes the most sense.

That being said, I agree that both will work if used properly, but
trying to
manipulate the recordset in the Open event will not, as it has not
loaded. I should have mentioned that in my initial reply. Maybe
should have been called LoadArgs to discourage the temptation to use
them in
the Open event. Oh well.

Either method is perfectly acceptable in this circumstance,
Offering an alternative solution such as using the Where clause in
the form is fine, but there occasions when OpenArgs is needed, so
also try to figure out ***why*** it's not working for the OP by


Thanks, Bruce. I finally got the information passed into the calling form
with the following code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strPAnumber As String
Dim strSQLRecSrc As String

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
strPAnumber = Me.OpenArgs
strSQLRecSrc = "SELECT * FROM Risk_Tracker WHERE Assoc_PA_Num ='" &
strPAnumber & "'"
Me.RecordSource = strSQLRecSrc
If CurrentDb().OpenRecordset(strSQLRecSrc).RecordCount = 0 Then
Me.Assoc_AC_Num_txt = strPAnumber
End If
End If
Form_Risk_Tracker.SaveBtn.Enabled = False
Form_Risk_Tracker.UndoBtn.Enabled = False

End Sub

Now, I have two command buttons on the risk form that are disabled when the
form is loaded. I would like to enable them as soon as any typing occurs on
the form. I'm using the on dirty event at the form level but it is not
firing when filling in a new record. If I modifiy a field in an existing
record then the dirty fires. Any idea what is getting me there?

Thanks so much, you've been a great help.

BruceM said:
Does the record source for Risk_Tracker have the field Assoc_AC_Num? If so,
check the spelling. The error is because Access cannot find Assoc_AC_Num in
the record source for Risk_Tracker.

Another point is that the syntax you posted is appropriate if SPR_Number is
a text field. If it is a number field:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num] = " & Me.[SPR Number]

I don't know if that could be the cause of the unwanted prompt you are
getting, but you need to get the syntax correct in any case.

Linda said:
The record source for the field in the form being called is Assoc_AC_Num.
(I agree in keeping the names different). The field in the form with the
button is a text field and is named SPR Number. (No underscore between the
words.) So I'm trying
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num] = """ & Me.[SPR Number]
& """"

The result is a prompt for the Assoc_AC_Num. So appears it doesn't get a
vaule for Me.[SPR Number]. I tried an assignment statement in the code
get the expected value for Me.[SPR Number] so I must still have quotes or
something messed up in the openform command. Do you see my error?

BruceM said:
This line of code:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] =" & Me.SPR_Number
means essentially "Open the Risk_Tracker form, loading only the record in
which the field Assoc_AC_Num_txt is the same as SPR_Number from the
form (the form containing RiskBtn).

The assumptions behind the code as written are that Assoc_AC_Num_txt is a
field in the record source for Risk_Tracker, and that SPR_Number is a
field. If it is a text field you need to change the quotes:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] = " " " &
Me.SPR_Number & " " " "
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] = ' " &
& " ' "
(spaces between the quotes added for clarity)

Remember that Assoc_AC_Num_txt is a *field* in the called form's record
source, not a control on the called form. It could be the control and
field have the same name (I prefer to avoid this), but it has to be a
whatever else it may be.

This is the correct order in the Where argument: First the field in the
called form's record source, then a field in the calling form's record
source or a control on the calling form.

Regarding this expression:
"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"
it should be:
"[ID] = 'ID'"
with this caveat: the syntax will work only if you are seeking the
value "ID". I described above the different approach to a number field
a text field when you use the field's value rather than a literal value.

Regarding OpenArgs, I don't think this syntax will work:
stLinkCriteria = Form_IIRProblemReport1.[SPR Number]
The Me prefix identifies the current form (or report). If [SPR Number]
is a
field in the form's record source or a control on the form you could
stLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number]
(or Me![SPR Number])
or you could do:
stLinkCriteria = Forms!Form_IIRProblemReport1![SPR Number]
There is no need I can see for the longer syntax in this case, since the
shorter version will work.

In any case, you need to be clear about whether you are using text or
values. If you are using a number (long integer) value you should
declare it that way:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim lngLinkCriteria As Long

stDocName = "Risk_Tracker"
lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number]

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=lngLinkCriteria

Using the string may work, but it is best to be clear what type of value
being used.

In any case, add a break point to be sure the OpenArgs value is what you
expect. To do this, open the code window, and click in the vertical bar
just to the left of the code, next to the line lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR
Number]. You should see a red dot in the bar, and the line of code
be highlighted. Go to the form and run the code by clicking the command
button. The code will break at the break point you set. Press the F8
to step through the code one line at a time (use F5 to run through the
either to the end or to the next break point). When you are past the
lngLinkCriteria = Me.[SPR Number] line, go back and hover the mouse over
lngLinkCriteria. You will see the value. That is the value being passed
the called form.

Thank you all for the continued discussion. I have been trying the
suggestions but still can't quite get it right. I will include my code
my attempts below:

Bruce M: DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , ,"[SomeField] = " &
My Code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Assoc_AC_Num_txt] =" &

Assoc_AC_Num_txt is the name of the field on the 2nd form (called form)
SPR_Number is the name of the field on the main form

Result: A dialogue box pops up requesting Assoc_AC_Num_txt

Maverick: DoCmd.OpenForm "YourFormName", , , ,"[Me.ID] = 'ID'"
(note: the two suggestions seem opposite to me in what equals what)
My code:

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Risk_Tracker", , , "[Me.SPR Number] =

Result: Error "Invalid braceting of name '[Me.Spr Number]'.

Tried removing square brackets and got an error of missing operator.

Linq Adams: OpenArgs
My code: In Form IIRProblemReport1

Private Sub RiskBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_RiskBtn_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Risk_Tracker"
stLinkCriteria = Form_IIRProblemReport1.[SPR Number]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=stLinkCriteria

My Code: in Form Risk_Tracker

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
Me.Assoc_AC_Num_txt = Me.OpenArgs
End If

Opens the Risk_Tracker form but returns all of the records in the risk
with an Assoc_AC_Num equal to the number passed in from OpenArgs.

Desired result:
Risk_Tracker form would open displaying only those records that have
same AC_Num as the record its called from in the main form. If none
a blank form would open. The risk tracker form needs to be able to
the switchboard with no associated AC Number.

I've tried many "tweaks" to these but I just can't quite get it right.
Thanks so much for your help!



I agree with everyone. OpenArgs would work, if done correctly. I did
if Linda wanted to use an OpenArgs approach that she would need to
an If
statement on the target form to check if there is a value for OpenArgs
that the form could be opened as a stand alone.

Because everyone beat me to the question of seeing her code, I saw no
to reiterate it.... only to offer another suggestion while waiting for


I did say it would be best to see the code. Using the Where
involves one step, while OpenArgs involves passing the argument,
on it. IMHO, doing this in one step makes the most sense.

That being said, I agree that both will work if used properly, but
trying to
manipulate the recordset in the Open event will not, as it has not
loaded. I should have mentioned that in my initial reply. Maybe
should have been called LoadArgs to discourage the temptation to use
them in
the Open event. Oh well.

Either method is perfectly acceptable in this circumstance,
Offering an alternative solution such as using the Where clause in
the form is fine, but there occasions when OpenArgs is needed, so
also try to figure out ***why*** it's not working for the OP by

AccessVandal via

Why the convoluted approach? If there are no reason for you to disable the
controls, just leave them enabled.

If you're still insist on using this approach, try the OnKeyPress or
OnKeyDown event. I'm refering to A2K version.


I would use the form's Before Insert event, which fires just once for a new
record, rather than code that runs with each key stroke. As I understand,
the Dirty event is similar to Before Insert, but for an existing record.

AccessVandal via

OnDirty should fire up regardless of existing or new record, unless the
cursor is in a unbound control.

Good point on suggestion of BeforeInsert Event. Still it will not fire up if
it a unbound control.
I would use the form's Before Insert event, which fires just once for a new
record, rather than code that runs with each key stroke. As I understand,
the Dirty event is similar to Before Insert, but for an existing record.
Why the convoluted approach? If there are no reason for you to disable the
controls, just leave them enabled.
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]


I did some testing, and found that the Dirty event does not fire for a new
record. I inserted the line:
Debug.Print "Dirty" into a form's Dirty event, and Debug.Print "Before
Insert" into its Before Insert event. I switched to Form view, modified one
existing record, and added one new record. Afterward the immediate window

Before Insert

If the Dirty event ran for a new record I would have seen "Dirty" twice in
the immediate window. Similar testing using message boxes for immediate
feedback likewise showd the Dirty event firing for an existing record, and
Before Insert firing similarly for a new record.

I agree that in neither case will the code run when typing into an unbound
text box, but did not get the idea from the OP that unbound text boxes were
involved. She did say "when any typing occurs on the form", but shortly
thereafter spoke about "filling in a new record" and "modify an existing
field", which suggest bound controls.

AccessVandal via said:
OnDirty should fire up regardless of existing or new record, unless the
cursor is in a unbound control.

Good point on suggestion of BeforeInsert Event. Still it will not fire up
it a unbound control.
I would use the form's Before Insert event, which fires just once for a
record, rather than code that runs with each key stroke. As I understand,
the Dirty event is similar to Before Insert, but for an existing record.
Why the convoluted approach? If there are no reason for you to disable
controls, just leave them enabled.
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
firing when filling in a new record. If I modifiy a field in an
record then the dirty fires. Any idea what is getting me there?

AccessVandal via

Note that the value of Dirty is still “False†when the first input character
is press.

In any attempt to use both events the results will be false. For example,

‘code here will not enable the control
If Me.Dirty = True Then
ControlName.Enabled = True

‘code here will enable the control
if me.dirty = false then
controlname.enabled = true

if me.dirty then
controlname.enabled = true
controlname.enabled = true
end if

See the twisted logic above? How do you use the value of Dirty for “False and

The more appropriate code would be..

If (msgbox “Do you wish to enable the controls?, vbokcancel)=vbok then
‘enable control
'cancel = true or
‘continue editing or inserting
end if

Inserting a new record, the dirty event fires up on my form, there could be
event or controls causes to canceled the dirty event like default values?

The sequecnce

KeyDown Þ KeyPress Þ BeforeInsert Þ Dirty Þ KeyUp

For new record, BeforeInsert fires first then Dirty. For exsiting record,
Dirty fire up first.


I've done some more checking. In the form I was using for a test I had the
following in the form's Current event:
If Me.NewRecord Then
Me.NumberField = DMax("NumberField","tblMain") + 1
End If

When I go to a new record the Before Insert event fires. Testing for Dirty
in the Before Insert event shows the Dirty property to be False. The Dirty
event does not fire. Testing the Dirty property in a text box Double Click
event (it's what I happened to use in my test) shows it to be True. The
reason, I expect, is that the form is dirtied in the Current event, so the
form is already dirty when the first character is typed, so the Dirty event
does not fire.

However, if I change the Current code to:
Me.NumberField.DefaultValue = DMax("NumberField","tblMain") + 1
the Before Insert event fires when I type a character into a new record,
then the Dirty event.

If I type a character into an existing record the Dirty event fires.

In all of the above cases the Before Insert and Dirty events show the Dirty
property to be False.

In any case, testing the Dirty property (using a text box Double Click event
in my test) immediately after typing the first character or changing a
character in an existing record shows the Dirty property to be True, as

From what I can figure out, the Dirty event and the Before Insert event
always show the Dirty property to be false, so it seems testing for the
Dirty property is redundant. In the case of the control it will always be
enabled in your code sample.

I'm not entirely certain how to sort out all of this, but I see it may not
be possible to use the Before Insert event to enable a control (or do
anything else) when the user starts typing in a new record if I have used
anything like this is the Current event:
If Me.NewRecord Then
[Assign a field value]
End If
Using the Before Insert event would have the same effect as enabling the
control in the Current event after the NewRecord test.

However, if I use the Default Value property to assign a field value the
Before Insert event will fire when the user starts typing.

BTW, I can't get the form's Key Down or Key Press event to do anything. For
a control, yes, but for the form I can't see how it works.

It is rather inscrutable logic that leads to the Dirty property always being
False in the Dirty event.

Bottom line seems to be to take care when assigning automatic values, as
there may be unintended consequences in terms of the rest of the code.

AccessVandal via

BruceM said:
I've done some more checking. In the form I was using for a test I had the
following in the form's Current event:
If Me.NewRecord Then
Me.NumberField = DMax("NumberField","tblMain") + 1
End If

Yes, this will cancel the dirty event
When I go to a new record the Before Insert event fires. Testing for Dirty
in the Before Insert event shows the Dirty property to be False. The Dirty
event does not fire. Testing the Dirty property in a text box Double Click
event (it's what I happened to use in my test) shows it to be True. The
reason, I expect, is that the form is dirtied in the Current event, so the
form is already dirty when the first character is typed, so the Dirty event
does not fire.

However, if I change the Current code to:
Me.NumberField.DefaultValue = DMax("NumberField","tblMain") + 1
the Before Insert event fires when I type a character into a new record,
then the Dirty event.

This code will only set the control's default value(the control's property)
but will not update the control's value thus the object is not dirty yet.
If I type a character into an existing record the Dirty event fires.

In all of the above cases the Before Insert and Dirty events show the Dirty
property to be False.

In any case, testing the Dirty property (using a text box Double Click event
in my test) immediately after typing the first character or changing a
character in an existing record shows the Dirty property to be True, as

From what I can figure out, the Dirty event and the Before Insert event
always show the Dirty property to be false, so it seems testing for the
Dirty property is redundant. In the case of the control it will always be
enabled in your code sample.

That depends on how you design your form. Can't say much from what you have
I'm not entirely certain how to sort out all of this, but I see it may not
be possible to use the Before Insert event to enable a control (or do
anything else) when the user starts typing in a new record if I have used
anything like this is the Current event:
If Me.NewRecord Then
[Assign a field value]
End If
Using the Before Insert event would have the same effect as enabling the
control in the Current event after the NewRecord test.

However, if I use the Default Value property to assign a field value the
Before Insert event will fire when the user starts typing.

BTW, I can't get the form's Key Down or Key Press event to do anything. For
a control, yes, but for the form I can't see how it works.

You have to enable the Key Preview property in that form in order to use the
KeyDown/KeyPress event.
It is rather inscrutable logic that leads to the Dirty property always being
False in the Dirty event.

Bottom line seems to be to take care when assigning automatic values, as
there may be unintended consequences in terms of the rest of the code.

IMO, the correct method to enable controls where you do not want users who
may not have user rights to alter data is to use the OnOpen event of the form.
If the OP has a function on user security, say....
'in the open event
If FunctionUserAdminRights Then
'enabled controls
'Disable controls
End if

As you can see, you only run once for the above as to compare with
Dirty/BeforeInsert event on each and every time when records are edited or


From what I can figure out, the Dirty event and the Before Insert event
That depends on how you design your form. Can't say much from what you

I thought I had described it in some detail. I have not found a situation
in which the Dirty property is true during the Before Insert or Dirty event.
Can you describe such a situation? Not meaning to sound like I'm issuing a
challenge here, but you seem to be siuggesting that with a different form
design the Dirty property would be True for the Before Insert or Dirty
IMO, the correct method to enable controls where you do not want users who
may not have user rights to alter data is to use the OnOpen event of the
If the OP has a function on user security, say....
'in the open event
If FunctionUserAdminRights Then
'enabled controls
'Disable controls
End if

As you can see, you only run once for the above as to compare with
Dirty/BeforeInsert event on each and every time when records are edited or

As I understand, the OP was talking about enabling the controls when a user
starts typing into a record. I can sort of understand why that approach
might be taken for a new record, but it is harder to see why it would happen
for an existing record. In any case I did not take the question to be about
different permissions for different users. Having said that, I agree that
if there are security issues the Open event is a good place to hide or
disable controls. With User Level Security in place that is how I approach
it so I do not have to design different FEs for different users.

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