Opening A Form from a List Selection

  • Thread starter Carlnlola via
  • Start date

Carlnlola via

I have a primary form called MAIN. It displays contact information from a
table called CONTACTS, and includes last name, first name, address, etc.

I have other forms based on queries (called LIST_A, LIST_B, LIST_C). These
forms just contain a list box and display only those contacts from a specific
region (from the table and also a field in the CONTACTS form). The MAIN form
allows users to select a region which then opens the applicable form to show
a list of just those contacts in that particular region.

When a region is selected, I want to double click a name on the list and have
the MAIN form open to that contact's record.

The idea is make a data base of contacts that anyone can use and to simplify
looking up contact information. I work with a non-profit and this data base
is of families we keep in contact with.

I am pretty good with other Office applications but pretty ignorant of code,
which seems to be a good thing to know when using Access. There's lots of
posts out there describing code and what I think I need, but I can't figure
out the details. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



You have not explained yourself very well. Are you tracking Contacts or
Regions? Its kind of unusual to be displaying a form and then to open another
form based on a listbox selection and then have that selection open another
form based on the same table as your main form. You will be getting tied in
Are you saying each contact can be in more than one region?
Why dont you select the region upfront and then display a form based on only
the contacts for that region?
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".

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