Opening a hyperlink.



I have hyperlinked several documents. Some open in the Preview Mode when
clicked, but documents of the same type (i.e. Word 2007) won't open unless I
press control + enter. How do I fix this?


Thanks, Kathleen. That seems to have done the trick. This is my first
website, and will publish it soon. Can I assume that if all of the
hyperlinks work in the Browser Preview, then they will work the same way when
published? Judy

Kathleen Anderson

Yes, as long as you haven't inadvertently created a link to a page on your
own PC outside of your web - don't laugh - it happens :) The other issue
might be that a visitor to your site might not have Word installed on their
PC. You might want to provide this link to those visitors. It will tell how
and where to obtain the Microsoft Word Viewer.


~ Kathleen Anderson
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
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