opening a large word document causes application not responding


Edward Letendre

Hello, my name is Edward Letendre. I have a computer that is a pentium
processor (not sure of the exact speed), but it has 320 megs of ram, a 19 gig
drive partitioned into three partiitions. I have windows 98 second edition
installed on the computer along with office 2000. I have installed all of
the windows 98 and office 2000 patches.

But when I try to open a large document (30 plus pages), word locks up
displaying the I beam icon. When I press the Control, Alt and Delete keys to
see what background tasks are running, I see that my word document is locked
up with the application not responding text appearing near the name of the
document being opened.

How do I resolve this problem? I used to be able to open the document in
word 97, although very slowly. Since I switched to word 2000, the document
was opening okay, except for the the appliction not responding, which started
a month or so ago.

Help me if you can.

Edward Letendre.

Charles Kenyon

30 pages is a small document. 3000 pages is a large document. What is the
file size?

320 Mb RAM is probably underpowered for office 2000, depending on what is
running. It still should not lock up completely.

You may want to look at
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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