Opening a Report does not update OLE Excel object



(apologies for the cross-post.. im not normally in the habit of such things)

SHORT VERSION (for smart people in a hurry):

I need some way to programmatically cause the update of calculated cells,
contained within an Excel OLE object that is embedded on a report in my

LONG VERSION (incase i cant write a sumamry to save my life):

I have an Excel spreadsheet embedded in a report. The sheet displays a cell
grid of the current month, and after much messing around, managed to get it
to render the month on a 5-week basis, starting the cells on the correct day
and shading out any days not in the month (so for october 2003 that starts
on a wednesday, MON and TUE on the grid are shaded in..)
it's for employye time sheets kinda thing..

anyways.. it all hinges on the update of just one cell.. The top left of the
sheet contains a cell with the formula:


However, this cell (and all otehr calculated cells) are not recalculated
every time the report is run, but on some sort of whimsical basis depending
on if the OLE is Opened, saved, and the changes to the design of the report
are saved.

Is there any way i can programmatically cause the sheet to run an update
(something similar to the "Update Fields" function of a word document)?
I dont even mind if the user has to press a key, as i can tell them to do


i should have mentioned additionally, that the Excel sheet is an "Unbound
Object Frame" called 'OLEUnbound8' .. whatever this means, in terms of
referencing (i'm an after-creation maintainer of the database)


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