John Baker
I have some code which opens another access database.
The code is: (which works fine)
Const q As String * 1 = """"
strUpdateTool = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office2003\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE " & q & strPath & q & " /wrkgrp " & q &
wrkgrpPathAndName & q & " /user " & q & "Administrator" & q & " /pwd " & q
& "aaa" & q
Shell strUpdateTool, vbNormalFocus
I am trying to avoid reentering the username and password when the new
database opens.
The above code seems to work fine but I would like to get the current user
and their password and use this info to log in to the new database.
I can retrieve the user with the CurrentUser code but am not sure how to get
the password.
Also I would like to pass this information to a file so that a third
database can similarly be opend from the second database. Hopefully I can
then read the username and password from the file. Is their a problem with
writng a password to a file and then being able to retrieve it?
Any help greatly appreciated.
John B
The code is: (which works fine)
Const q As String * 1 = """"
strUpdateTool = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office2003\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE " & q & strPath & q & " /wrkgrp " & q &
wrkgrpPathAndName & q & " /user " & q & "Administrator" & q & " /pwd " & q
& "aaa" & q
Shell strUpdateTool, vbNormalFocus
I am trying to avoid reentering the username and password when the new
database opens.
The above code seems to work fine but I would like to get the current user
and their password and use this info to log in to the new database.
I can retrieve the user with the CurrentUser code but am not sure how to get
the password.
Also I would like to pass this information to a file so that a third
database can similarly be opend from the second database. Hopefully I can
then read the username and password from the file. Is their a problem with
writng a password to a file and then being able to retrieve it?
Any help greatly appreciated.
John B